Before school shooting in Nashville, shooter warned a friend, who tried to warn police — but was ignored

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Good luck not getting shot immediately when you try overthrowing a government with the largest military in history but don’t let me squash your dreams. They have tanks for that.


I am not talking about overthrowing anything. I am talking about beginning the legal and civil process of reforming and rewriting the constitution. I’m talking about a real revolution where borders and treaties change. There is one thing I agree with Republicans, I want nothing to do with them and they want nothing to do with me. I believe it is possible to have a constitutional congress where all parties agree on new terms of incorporation.

Your glib defeatism is noted and then verily dismissed, with a massive helping of “tsk, tsk” from someone who has lived their whole entire existence as an oppressed person with all the odds stacked against me… and yet I still refuse to give up.

Guess an excess of societal privilege doesn’t do very much for the backbone…



Really? You mean parties like the Republicans that have been obstructionist and not hold to their word (see ACA for the most obvious, but far from only, example)


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First, I’ve discussed a Syrian-style civil war here as a very real possibility many times on this BBS. Most of those responding to you are also aware of that, and of the current problems being caused by the fascists. We’re just not as ready as you are to operate on their terms.

Second, if you think what’s happening now is anywhere close to what’s been happening in Syria you must be working from a level of Western and privilege greater than most in the U.S. enjoy (coming from me, that’s saying something).

Finally, whether it’s you or EmptyG, anyone suggesting that a neat and tidy and peaceful “national divorce” is possible in the U.S. (complete with well-defined borders) is a better candidate for being called “obtuse”.


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Oh like in Ethiopia or something right? What was that 600k civilians in a genocide and 2.5 million displaced? And so much still unresolved because border disputes will likely continue?

No… just…

Stop it. This is gross and it’s hard to see agitators for things like this in good faith when so many millions are dead or dying from it.

If you don’t see the long term benefit of national stability for the citizens of a country I don’t know what to say.


what is also sad - in addition to people being needlessly killed - is that Audrey Hale didn’t appear to have anywhere to go for help with her problems (mental? physical? both?)

this country really is failing badly


I don’t pretend to know the details of Hale’s life but the parents have publicly stated Hale was under a doctor’s care for an “emotional disorder,” so this isn’t really a story about a disturbed person who didn’t have enough access to care but rather a story about a disturbed person who had too much access to guns.


Most of this is completely wrong.

Even in wartime, most soldiers never fire a shot at the enemy. The statistic I’ve encountered is 20% do.

The ones that do don’t “turn on and off like a switch.” Some never turn off. Others take years of counseling. And almost zero do so without long-term mental health impacts.

Spend even a few days in a VA or other veterans health environment and you would understand this.


What is particularly bullshit about what you’ve written in this thread is how you are attempting to persuade others to sieze defeat from the jaws of victory.

After years of lamentation that T**** will not face consequences for his crimes - he’s finally on the verge of just that outcome.

After decades of lamentation of how Fox News lies to support fascism, they are finally on the verge of being held accountable for it.

Justice is not swift, but it appears to be functioning. Democracy is messy, but it is also working as intended. The extreme moves you are seeing from Republicans are not because they are becoming stronger. They are because they are becoming desperate. Pissing your pants and running away now can only give them hope.

Your despair is bad enough when it’s your own - trying to spread it to others is malevolent.


oh, I don’t disagree with that at all.

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The wheels of justice turn slowly but grind exceedingly fine.

I look forward to Trump and Fox and all the RWNJ being ground into fine sand


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