Behold the drab emptiness of the remodeled Home Alone house, on the market at $5M

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So it’s staged for a different audience now – a buying one. After endless home-flip shows where the client is upset about the color of a wall, making the space feel neutral, expansive, and bright are all tactics to move the property.

The sterility is temporary, I’m sure.


I dunno, they’re both pretty hideous to my eye.

But my taste may have been recalibrated by a trip to Fallingwater I did a few weeks ago, so grains of salt, etc.


I’d be less concerned about the decor than about all the deadly booby-traps.


Carpets are OUT, due to chemicals. (Although bare stairs looks like an increased tripping hazard.)


Ah the white on white on white look. Open concept and lots of natural light, JJ Abrams would be proud of the amount of glare coming from every surface.


I really don’t like “staged” photos of interiors. Like, it looks so god damn boring and fake. I realize for selling things, you want it a little generic so people can inject themselves into the space and what they want to do with it. But for magazines and the like where they are showing off interior design. Blech.

Who are you? How do you live? Is all of your shit in drawers and cabinets? What is on your shelves? What about your personality possessed you to buy a bowl with various braided wooden balls? What are these other objects, did your grandparents own Pier 21 and leave you all these decorative knick-knacks? Is that empty white vase an heirloom?

What do you people do? What is your personality? What are you into? Where is your Harry Potter or Doctor Who or Star Wars wall decoration? The books shelves full of a variety of interesting subjects and plots - not just arranged by color and/or size. Where is that chuck of quartz you found in Colorado? The pictures of your kid(s) when they were babies? Your grandpas dress sword from the military? Something - anything - that says “I am a real human with human interests”.


Yeah, it’s not exactly weird that a $5m listing is staged as neutrally as possible. As you point out, the point of the staging is not to look homey to people on the internet, it’s to appeal to people buying a $5m, 10k square foot house in Winnetka.

I’m pretty sure that whoever buys it can pretty easily slap a coat of earthy red paint and paisley wallpaper on whatever walls they’d like, throw garland on anything not moving, bring in a bunch of overstuffed fabric couches, crank the Wilson Philips and bring it right back to 1990 if that’s what they want.


Also more prone to getting scratched up from toboggans.



… Mother of moles, what did they do to that place?! I’m not a huge fan of wallpaper, but dear lord add some color to the walls.

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It should be noted that while some of the interior was used in the film, most of the interior shots were on a soundstage, not in the home itself.
Not to say the current interior is preferable, but we don’t know how it compared to the house as it actually was/has been during/since the filming. It could have been just as ugly.

The article you linked explains that many rooms pictured in the side-by-side comparisons above were indeed shot in the actual house.

Some of the interiors of the McCallister home that made it into the finished product were inside the same house as the exteriors, including the main staircase, basement, attic, and the first floor.




Did they put vinyl planks thruout the entire first floor? I mean, I’ll take the updated kitchen, but otherwise .


Sad millennial grey?

Nothing but white, white, white, and all that painted wood?



… um no I think the great home-related scourge is the current shortage of housing :confused:

Did they replace the furnace?

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Someone also added a “half-court basketball hoop” in the basement.

I don’t recall seeing that in the movie.

I looked at a place yesterday where they’d (self?) installed the vinyl planks in the kitchen with gaps between them, and a small squishy spot in the floor.

Nope, nope, nope…

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