I’ve had wonderful experiences with men as well, but this isn’t about those experiences. But as a woman who actually likes going out into the world, sometimes I’m faced with uncomfortable situations. Usually I can tell when a guy is going to be polite, or if he’s going to be a creep, but I have pretty good instincts.
I had given my real number out before, on a whim, based on my instincts – the only time that didn’t work out was when about 3 days later his wife called me, screaming, but for the most part, I’m pretty good at knowing when a guy is a creepy or not (not always, but usually). I stopped that once I was physically assaulted, though. It’s just not worth the guess.
You seem to think that every interaction with men in public is wanted, desired, and safe.
I don’t really care if it seems cruel. It’s not up to me to police the feelings of men, either.
But hey, you seem to be ignoring the fact that one time I did say no, politely, HE GRABBED ME BY THE THROAT AND THREW ME AGAINST THE WALL. Why do you ignore that? Heaven forbid i’m now a little wary of being polite to complete strangers whom I owe absolutely nothing.
Seriously. I don’t owe ANYTHING to strangers, even politeness, not when they are invading my personal space and making assumptions about me (I didn’t come up to them! They came up to me!). My safety and sense of comfort are far more important.
And you know what? Can strange men PLEASE stop walking up to strange women and asking for their number with no other conversation or indication that she’s interested? Just because I happen to exist, does not mean that I consent to random men asking for my number, and it certainly doesn’t mean I OWE them anything.
That’s what you’re saying: I OWE them the benefit of the doubt.
Well, yeah, one time I did that and it got me ASSAULTED.
So yeah, I’ve stopped giving my number out, and politely saying no, ever since I was physically assaulted for saying no. I’m over 30, now, I just don’t GIVE A FUCK if I’m cruel to these guys or if I come off as cold. I don’t owe them anything. I certainly don’t owe them an education on how to interact with women. That’s NOT my job all because I happen to exist!
I’m seriously tired of women being told to be “nicer” and “more polite” even after we’ve been literally assaulted.
I’m tired of being “nice” and I’m tired of being “polite” and I"m tired of being expected to literally teach men how to interact with me in a respectful manner.
It’s. Not. My. Fucking. Job. And I don’t owe them shit.