Ben Carson cites fake Stalin quote, the crowd goes wild

.[quote=“roomwithaview, post:31, topic:73757”]
Can I like this twice?

Four is the current bet I believe should you wish to raise it

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But then it might become 16 and I’d be confused again! (It’s turtles all the way up!)

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The Red Herring is an ever present menace.


“If you fool one, it is a lie. If you fool ten million, it is an election.”

-Uncle Joe


I expect Carson will try to let this die quietly.

Unlike Trump, who would just double down on the stupid, if pressed.

Or a would-be patriot whose knowledge of Communism and Socialism begins and ends with knowing how to pronounce the words themselves.

Dying quietly is Carson’s whole election strategy!


Worked for Scalia! #toosoon


Yet if you were to inform Carson, or any person in the audience, that Stalin in fact did not say it, their response would probably be: “Well, but, it’s the kind of thing Stalin would say.” So, it’s “still true.”


it positions one’s ideological opponents as partial-mirror images of oneself. –
Yeah, I see that often. ESPECIALLY in Theist vs non-theist debates: Theists trying to maintain that atheists are angry at God, which would be the mirror image of loving God. They simply can’t wrap their heads around the idea that people can simply NOT believe…
People try to fit those who disagree with them into the ideological framework that they already have. I recall an interview with a Tiananmin Square protestor that the goal was to get the government to overreact and crack down which would lead to wider protests. Even protesting against the Chinese Communist Party, she saw politics in terms of the Marxist dialectic, because that is the intelectual framework that she was raised with.

THE ONLY WAY YOU CAN CONTROL PEOPLE IS TO LIE TO THEM. You can write that down in your book in great big letters. The only way you can control anybody is to lie to them.


I doubt that you could convince them that Stalin didn’t say those words anyway because they’d just demand that the skeptics prove a negative. (“How do YOU know he never said that? Were you THERE?”)


Yeah, but… but… CUBA, NORTH KOREA!!! They are still things! And BERNIE!!! He said that he’s a STALINIST, did you hear that? /s



Yes, according to RT News, and never mind that refugee problem that Putin is dumping on Europe. It makes a nice distraction from the Ukraine, and I doubt they repeat the “Islam is bad!” message to the Islamic parts of Russia.

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So, no communist would say such a thing, not even Stalin.

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