Ben Carson is super surprised about that $31k dining set he ordered

What a relief it is to finally know where my tax dollars are going.


Once again the buck never stops with the boss. Trump and his ilk like Carson repeatedly throw their underlings under the bus and refuse to take any responsibility.


Seems appropriate given the minimal productive output of the department. Why shouldn’t they work in surroundings evocative of “the best they can do” for the population they are tasked to “serve”?

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That is just their way of justifying it for safety.

totally bs subtext: “We would have been fine with the old stuff, but it just wasn’t safe. We didn’t want to spend the money, but we were FORCED to for the safety of our guests”

this person was so sick over being coerced and pressured into doing this, and they are claiming to not even really know about it. this is the classism version of metoo

That’s a little too spot on. you nailed it.


You know we’re deep inside the Upside Down when Trey Gowdy (the guy with the Stranger Hair) says he’s going to investigate a Republican.


I believe it’s a horror film convention for the token black guy to die early. If anything, his endurance has been well above expectations(probably helped by the ample supply of people who fulfill “asshole victim”, “they knew the risks”, and “You have outlived your usefulness” simultaneously; which keeps competition pretty stiff.)


I’m not sure, but keeping things in the family seems to be a principle the current head of admin seemed to follow? Also, I would not be surprised if severed heads of beloved pets would turn up in the beds of some leading media workers.

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With the fishes.


C’mon now; don’t halfstep:



via Imgflip Meme Generator


Ben Carson would be surprised that he was alive if only he knew that. Hell, he seems mostly comatose anyways.

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“super surprised”…Edward Murrow is doing a spin in his grave

Came here to mention that. Best break away from a reporter evar!

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Before a new Imperator is installed, it is customary for the Praetorian Guard to loot the Imperial Palace.

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I can see having the chafing tables for each dipping sauce needing to be spread out over the term of office, given that Ben’s on the hook for it plus the oversight to make sure nobody’s dealing out of the chafing table.


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