Bennies and Goofballs: Paul Newman warns about narcotic abuse in this 1961 educational film

Originally published at: Bennies and Goofballs: Paul Newman warns about narcotic abuse in this 1961 educational film | Boing Boing

Not for nothing, but Paul Newman was a hell of a good looking guy. Yikes.


The date’s wrong; towards the end, we see President Johnson signing anti-drug legislation into law in 1965.


I actually met Paul Newman when I was too young to recognize him, at a Thanksgiving dinner at a neighbor’s who knew him professionally – a musician who had worked with him on some projects. We talked about cars, with him explaining how he once had a Jaguar with a clutch so stiff he swapped cars after a race for with another driver, a Porsche of some stripe, to give his left leg a chance to heal up after a hard drive. The topic of drugs didn’t come up, but this would have been about a couple of years after his son died of a drug overdose, and I wonder if that’s why he took the time to talk to a kid who clearly had no idea who he was, or if he just noticed that I was sitting quietly listening to the adults talk and was considerate enough to include me. Either way, he was definitely one of the good guys.


That’s a 2 K Mole Baby behind him. I bet that particular head still works.
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i’ve jokingly used the phrase “the kids are all hopped up on bennies and goofballs” for so long that i don’t even remember where i got it from. i wonder if this was the original source.


And here I thought Paul Newman was cool and a fun guy all this time.

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