Bernie Sanders announces 2020 presidential campaign

Except he ran as a registered Democrat. If the party doesn’t like it, they can simply refuse next time, can’t they?

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I voted for Bernie three years ago, I like Bernie, but he’s too old and it’s too early to talk about this anyway. Fuck all this shit until the Iowa State Fair at the earliest. If they’re not covered with hay and eating deep-fried butter we’re not there yet.


Amen, and praise logic.


The only refusal that matters after someone says they’re a Democrat running to be the Democratic candidate in the general is the primary results.

OTOH- that didn’t help him last time. The voters refused him. This time? Who knows yet?


So, I guess Sanders is going to re-rejoin the Democratic Party?

And he’ll re-leave the Democratic Party the day after the party fails to be of any use to him at the end of the primaries?


I think the verb you are looking for is “rehashing” or perhaps “rerunning”? Unless… oh wait… no I take that back… you mean litigating in the CPOUS (court of public opinion of the United States).

Carry on! :slight_smile:

But which specific Democrats were you referencing that are younger and more progressive? If you don’t want to answer that question, please don’t engage with me any more on this thread. Thanks for the help.

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And this:

If Bernie runs as an Independent, he will very likely pull votes away from a Dem challenger and thereby better the chances for whatever shit-plop gets offered by the GOP. Just sayin’.

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Well said.

Not yet, friends. Not yet.

here’s what i don’t understand-- back in the run-up to the election in 2016 you didn’t come across as a total jackass. right now, it seems like you are determined to do so almost as if you were pursuing the accomplishment for bragging rights. what has changed that would make you want to behave in this fashion now where you didn’t then?

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Is someone suggesting that?

His party affiliation is irrelevant to his candidacy being good for the Democrats


Did I say something inaccurate somewhere in this thread?

It’s interesting to see what socialists (and what I assume democratic socialists as well) see as the difference between what their positions are on race and what other people say their positions are.

Yes. Me! I can think of things, you know.

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After 300 something comments I think it’s pretty clear it doesn’t matter if the sandman wins - or any of the rest of the sideshow they’re putting up since no one is going to unify 100 different pet issues with the same level of attention to pass the litmus test of other tribes literally waiting for any reason to attack their own party as bigots and bros or whatever the buzzword they fed you guys this week is.

Reading the link I just posted above (which I only just now found) led me to wonder what exactly Eugene Debs actually said about racism. So I looked that up just now. Here it is;

So once again I reiterate that what I think Bernie means is that race issues are important, but their solution comes from economic justice. It’s clear to me now that that is what he means. The one is a prerequisite for the other. I had said earlier that I thought he meant both will follow from Justice in general, but after reading the Eugene Debs essay I now think he definitely means the one is the prerequisite of the other. Not that one is less important than the other, but that the way to address one is to work on the other. I also say that you can agree with him on that or not. But it is unfair to say he disregards race issues altogether.

So after having read the Debs essay I think he is a follower of Eugene Debs’ way of thinking, and he believes that social justice will flow from economic justice. You can agree with his reasoning or not.

Ta-Nahesi Coates says in the article he disagrees with that reasoning but votes for him anyway. He does not go so far as to say his vote means he “supports” sanders.


The last two hellacious years has changed quite a few people for the worst, I’d wager.

That said, when all criticism is answered back with glib questions, it tends undermines the validity of one’s stance, IMO.


Lots of words that fail to address the point of my post - which was that the Bernie-bros stayed home in droves, preferring to watch the world burn than help to prevent Trump’s election. The perfect is the enemy of the good. They failed to understand that, and judging by the vitriol you spew here, I’m guessing you do too.

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