Bernie Sanders announces 2020 presidential campaign

This seems like a good spot to link an old thread:

The DNC-manufactured narrative that Bernie supporters were somehow responsible for Clinton losing to Trump is, and always has been, blatant nonsense.

Twice as many Clinton supporters voted for McCain in ‘08 as Bernie supporters voted for Trump in ‘16:

Clinton’s support for Obama in the ‘08 general was massively outweighed by Bernie’s support for Clinton in ‘16:

The continuous and shameless gaslighting around the 2016 election that the Clintonite/DNC faction has engaged in for the last two years has been truly astonishing to watch.




Yes - but warm feeling towards him didn’t translate into a vote for him from diverse voters.

He has been working since 2016 to connect better with and speak to the issues important to those voters in a manner that resonates with them. But - it remains to be seen whether he can do so as well or better than other primary candidates.

Hillary Clinton has won more than 70 percent of the African-American vote in most of the states with a sizable black population, but that varies greatly by age.

Though his hire to run his campaign and that persons’ professional background speaks towards an intent to connect better on these issues.


Articles insinuating that his position has recently “evolved” sure don’t help.

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Having his dogged style of staying on progressive talking points elevated in the public eye is a positive to me. I’m glad he’s running.


i now remember why i stopped reading “jacobin” regularly. after i read your linked article i read three others that caught my eye. the cumulative effect was to remind me of marxist writers in the period from late 1939 to mid 1941 spinning rhetoric into mobius bands that explained why fighting the fascists was a counter-revolutionary act.

the jacobin articles may have some factual basis but the authors’ insistence on doctrinal purity cost them a lot of credibility. in short, not even sanders supports sanders the way the folks at the “jacobin” do.


You are confusing this with Clinton clinching the primary before California after the polls in PR and Guam closed.

So? That story is such a blip compared to something like the Comey letter that was a planned attempt to influence the election that a lot of people seem happy to forgive.

How I wish this could be true. It’s too early this can literally only hurt your chances to announce so early. What advantage could it possibly give to someone like Sanders who is already a household name?

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The sensationalist headline from the New York Post claiming the DNC “wanted” Clinton is belied by the actual content of the article. They suggest in the article that the email in question only “seems to show” this. Then they cite the article - which only shows discussion of how HRC should weather attacks from the GOP. Not a single thing in the quoted email shows any evidence of want. It doesn’t even show whether or not similar strategies were discussed for other candidates or not. At best, it MIGHT show that one single person in the DNC expected HRC to win.

Oooh, this is interesting. I just searched for the email in the Wikileaks archive and it wasn’t there. How interesting. Do we even know who wrote it or we just accepting the word of a Russian asset (Guccifer 2.0) that it was actually a DNC email?

I’m not even going to dignify the complaint that the DNC “derided” the Sanders campaign, as if someone expressing private thoughts is proof of unfairness. I will say that Bernie Sanders himself claimed that his staff members likely also said some unkind things about Clinton in their private email as well:

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Addressing wealth inequality by enacting Bernies policies is not the same as doing nothing like you’re suggesting I’m suggesting. Whatever you’re smoking, pass it this a way lol.

Help what or who?


Never mind.

Roger that?

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If the candidate you wish would stay home is worse than trump, then tell me why. Otherwise, at this stage in the game, put a sock in it.

Note to all wannabee Jacobins - if you start guillotining each other before you’ve finished off the aristocrats, you’re doing it wrong.


Unfortunately, his recent (Dec 2018) approach towards minority ethnic community in his own state tells a different story. It’s difficult to believe that someone is genuine about racial justice when they don’t even manage to invite and include representatives of the 6% ethnic minority voters he is actually tasked to represent.


Abrams: “I appreciated his endorsement as I did from the other candidates who are running.” I.e. Nothing she said actually endorses Sanders.

What I would like to know is how the Jacobin is funded. I have been following it since it’s inception in 2011 and I am totally puzzled how it gained such traction and how / who is supporting it.

abrams is the democrat i want running for president.