Bernie Sanders can only win if nonvoters turn out at the polls, and they almost never do

Not turning out at the polls is the defining feature of a non-voter.


You gotta remember that on Hillaryworld, the only test of ethics is “Jail…or no jail?”

If keeping the transcripts is legal, she figures it’s none of the voters’ damn business.


I’ll see your Randall and raise you a Mitchell:


Got a new member!


I don’t know… considering the shit on the republican side this year, isn’t the democratic side still tame and close to the issues that voters actually care about? How bad is it that he’s pointing out, you know, facts?

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Yeah, I think it’s the corporate media that’s going to try to make it seem “ugly” on the Dem side. I think they’re already doing that. I suppose an upside would be that it at least constitutes acknowledgment that Sanders is giving Mrs Clinton a solid run for her (rich folks’) money.


and the details of Clinton’s speaking engagements on Wall Street?


On paper, my household is worth more than Sanders. Not that meaningful. He’s an old dude and I expect he owns a home that he’s had for decades and maybe a few investments.

How many Wall Street paid gigs has he had with bookoo speaking fees?


Don’t you see that just doesn’t matter? He hasn’t quickly released his full tax returns for (what was it again? oh) the last fifteen years (I think that’s the demanded number now). That. Means. He’s. HIDING SOMETHING!

Don’t be a Bernie Sheeperson. Stop paying attention to how much of a fat cat of the very sort that Bernie wants to topple the Goddess Hillary is!


There is also no law requiring that Sanders disclose his tax returns but @art_carnage is all over that one like white on rice. It is also as if he’s biased and only concerned with any appearance of impropriety with one candidate but not the other.

We could also discuss which candidate is likely to be prosecuted for misleading the government investigators and putting classified information on a personal email server but I’m sure that’s not going to come back to bite her come voting time…


I’m watching it right now. :slight_smile:

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Because there’s a long standing tradition, going back to the 1970s, of presidential candidates releasing transcripts of speeches they made as private citizens… oh, wait. No there isn’t. Simply doesn’t exist. It’s almost like someone just made it up, for one particular candidate. But that would never happen, would it?

I dunno. You’re the one banging away about the tax returns (released) of a man who makes less a year than Clinton does in a couple of her speaking engagements to her wall street buddies.

I’m sure you’re deeply concerned about what things she said to them that might indicate her cozy relationship with them and how she might behave towards them in the future, right?

Oh, how do you feel about her putting of classified secrets on her personal email server in violation of all sorts of regulations? Do you take Clinton supporters to task for that too?


I’m not sure why you keep posting the same things in this thread.

We get it. You’re a partisan Clinton supporter and she can do no wrong and you’ll find something bad in what Sanders is up to. We can all see it. You don’t need to keep doubling and tripling down on it. Go hang out on @khepra’s Clinton Circlejerk thread.


If you’ll look at my first message, I just mentioned the tax thing as a throwaway aside. It’s the Sanders people who then went ape shit over it.

I’ll ask again: What’s the upside for Sanders to not release his taxes?

(BTW - Since1976, when candidates first started releasing their tax returns, all of the candidates who refused to do so have lost. Just sayin’.)

Wait. I thought you said it’s the law.


I’ll ask again, why can’t you wait a little? It’s been four days and he’s mentioned that he doesn’t have immediate access. Unlike Clinton, he can’t fly a flunky on a private jet to his mansion to get his paperwork (or, more realistically, call his in house staff team in his mansion to go pull files for him).

So you’re saying you didn’t back Clinton in the primary you already voted in and you’re not one of her supporters just attacking Sanders in online forums?


He “misspoke.”

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Seriously? A hundred and fourty posts into this thread and you still don’t get it? The horse is loooong dead, so please: just stop with this already, you know what response you are going to get and at this point it just feels like baiting.

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