If the scale is “global” and the only metric is “income/year” anyone earning $35,000 or more is in the 1%-bracket. Yay.
(Yes, this is statistical cherry-picking. It is also a good example of “factually true, yet meaningless without proper context”. Nevertheless, it quite nicely illustrates global distribution of wealth.)
Apparently in contrast, SBC got idiotic Republicans to agree with him on the idiotic things he said, just out of sheer habit. Bernie seemed to figure out he was being trolled as it was happening, but his counterparts on the right never did, until well after the fact.
This is hilarious. I don’t think it’s certain that Bernie knew he was being trolled, at least for the segments shown. It’s an illustrative contrast from the Republicans: troll a Republican and you’re likely to get something deeply embarrassing or horrifying. Troll an honest leftist and they just get annoyed with you but try to patiently explain your error.
We see his interviews that are selected for content. He doesn’t publish videos where conservatives are actually smart (there are some in existence, but not many) or where the interview is boring. Only the ones that are outrageous or funny.
Why there are so many unsmart conservatives? Conservative means sticking with the old ideals. Sticking with the old ideals to the extreme can be done only if the ability for critical thinking is stunted by childhood conditioning, lack of intelligence, expectation of quid pro quo (money), and a bunch of other factors.
I’ve laughed at his stuff, but I recognize that his schtick is to take advantage of our better social instincts, so I try not to read too much into anyone’s failures with him.
He elaborates upon this in a Rollling Stone interview: I think it’s an interesting idea that not everyone in Germany had to be a raving anti-Semite. They just had to be apathetic.
I really feel like no one on the show was tricked in to saying anything they didn’t believe and if they did, they need to stay out of the deep end of the pool where the grown folk swim.