Betsy DeVos confirmed as Education Secretary thanks to 'historic tiebreaking vote' from VP Mike Pence

Guess the good news in this is that she would no longer be the Secretary of Education.


I lost this one.


Reagan promised to get rid of the dep’t, and various right-wingers have over the years. I think there’s a chance that the Trump Admin didn’t try to eliminate it is that they didn’t realize they could, though turning it into a corporatizing cancer maximizing inequality does seem more up their alley.


thanks to the fucking gerrymandering the TGOP uses, none of those asshats will be kicked out.


He has an irritating habit of acting like he miiiiiiiiight be thinking about standing up, and then just going along with all the other assholes as usual.


Is something wrong with my browser? I can’t seem to view the rest of your comment.


My husband says that this his how Children of Men really starts. Not that we couldn’t have children. We just all collectively refused to.


Fine on this Firefox 50.1 on Xubuntu 16.10.

Protip: Don’t reproduce in America until at least November 2018

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I’m not quite sure when the schism developed; but I think you’ve identified the basic operational difference between conventional republicans and ‘libertarians’.

Both are rhetorically against government institutions; but the former have realized that it is vastly more rewarding(and usually a lot easier) to just capture and mismanage them rather than try for a clean kill. The idealistic purity of elimination appeals to those fascinated by reductive models; but if you are willing to deal with ugly, hacky, real-world solutions it takes a lot less support to stall something than it does to eliminate it, plus the opportunities for tasty corruption.


I lost the last shred of respect for him with Palin. That he would put her #2 in line simply to court votes? No. Just no.


Let’s meet halfway, if someone tries to cure you or yours I’m going to come over to help you punch everyone.

Actually, I’ve seen what goes on in those camps. Punching is absolutely not called for.

I think that is purely a rifle matter, though I may be negotiated down to Frankish bearded axes and things such as that.



As a thematically appropriate unicorn chaser, though:

Worth watching. :slight_smile:


Certainly! My apologies.

I especially won’t mention that the children that get their minds… mutilated, I think the term is at schools like this will get to vote. But I’m sure that the damage will be easily reversible and that no permanent consequences on the psyche of the nation will be forthcoming whatsoever.

But look on the plus side! It…


…but at least…

…look, on the bright side…

…no, it’ll come to me…



It would be hard to find anyone as qualified as Arne Duncan, but I don’t think he actually made much headway in improving the schools. Devos seems like a terrible choice, though. Anyone closely associated with multi-level marketing is going to have serious morality issues, not to mention her religious issues.


The answer to both questions are YES

For once, you and I agree on something, although I’m much more emphatic in my disapproval (quote to my fiancee, “I’m trying to find words to express my feelings at this without the use of profanity, and failing.”)


Senators don’t benefit from gerrymandering, though House Reps gain a lot from it. The trick for them is to get a GOP Governor in place to permit voter disenfranchisement via Interstate Voter Registration Crosscheck Program, Voter ID, manufactured wait times at undesirable polling stations, limits on early voting, and various other carefully managed ways to ensure the wrong people don’t vote. Those state polls showing more voters planning to vote Clinton in OH, WI, NC, FL, MI probably were correct. Crosscheck alone disenfranchised millions.


Schools are a big deal to all of us. I still have a kid in public school, and I want the best for her. I would have probably been OK with someone who did not have a huge education background, but had really great management skills. DeVos seems to strongly hold a bunch of ideas about education that have great potential for disaster.


What do you mean, “begin?”