Beware on January 20, 2025, says Bill Maher

Kristen Wiig Yep GIF by Where’d You Go Bernadette

What needs to happen is that he doesn’t run and that which ever Trump-lite that does run gets his ass handed to him in such a massive landslide that it’s on the level of Reagan’s, Nixon’s, or FDR’s… Like Biden or whoever needs to win like almost all of the electoral college.

More pressure needs to be put on corporate donors to the GOP to stop funding fascist candidates. And people need to be told where the dark money for Trump, etc, is coming from, even if that means violating laws to reveal that information.


He’s more than welcome to come over here; we might be getting short on supplies by then.


Maher is a spiteful dickhead… which is why his warning about Trump is so pertinent. It’s takes one to know one in this example.


I believe that should read, “No! Shit Sherlock!” :thinking:
Alimentary, my dear, Watson.


Gods, I wish I believed any of that was possible, much less likely…


It’s not over yet. We got to keep pushing for meaningful reform, or we will be fucked. We might still be, but at the very least we know we did all we could.




As a friend pointed out to me, every failed coup attempt is merely practice.


I can’t really watch Bill Maher. He might be right, he might be wrong, but he’s always so enormously smug. For all I know he’s a terrific guy, I wouldn’t know because I just can’t watch him.

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Happy GIF


At 75, fat as a tick and prone to fits of obscene rage there is always the hope that nature takes care of the problem. It would be sweet to watch him stroke out on live tv, not to wish him ill but to wish the best for the country. While he certainly isn’t the brains in back of this rising fascist tide he’s the puppet that inspires either deep loathing or brainless worship. Abbott and DeSantis are understudies but they don’t have it. Trump has some kind of allure that blindly attracts a certain set of people. Without him I hope there will be disorder in his ranks that will democrats advantage unless we fuck it up. I don’t want to wish him ill but a quick death would be welcome.


I guess he hasn’t been keeping up with the whole Article 16 fiasco.


That’s easy for to you say! :smirk:


I think in most countries failed coup attempts are a good way to make sure you never have a second chance, but apparently so in America.

Does it though? Is this really something decent people haven’t also been warning about?


Blinding insight that everyone else made is news somehow? Is he telling us not to place our hand on a hot stove too?

I don’t get fanboys fascination with him. Probably says something about their toilet training.


My view is that he didn’t lose the last election - he was the incumbent and was FIRED by the American electorate for his incompetence and failure to uphold his oath of office. Telling him and his supporters that he was fired feels satisfying.

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But facts matter. We need to say he lost the election (which is what happened) because he did. It’s the truth. I have no interesting in playing their “triggering” game… I’m interested in preserving our democracy so we can maybe, FINALLY focus on the shared issues that face us all… I’m sick of these stupid political games that too many people are playing when we have real, serious issues to solve. :woman_shrugging:


Maher is not a terrific guy. I had to stop watching Maher quite a while ago, but during the pandemic Maher showed up on Kimmel and spread disinformation about how the pandemic will only kill you if you are fat (I am not exaggerating).

That said, I read that Maher compared Jan 6 to Al Qaeda’s first world trade center attack (1993 a truck bomb in the garage killed 6) and warned that the next one was going to be their September 11. I hope some people who only listen to old white guys with platforms have the hairs on the back of their necks go up.


you gotta say what’s special about londinium

I share the notion about their delusion about how bad the GOP is, but I also think these vultures are very good at telling themselves that they’re not hedging against a fascist crackdown, they’re, uh, just, uh, prepping for a possible post retirement life, uh, learning to cook gourmet French food in Provence. Or, uh, paint watercolors in the style of Monet.

Yeah, that’s it, Jeff Zucker is just planning on jetting out in December 2024 to learn to paint waterlilies in Givernies, and it has nothing to do with the wasted hellscape he will be leaving us. And Bari Weiss will just happen to have an important conference to plan at her friend Thomas Chatterton Williams’s Chateau, for, reasons having nothing to do at all with a looming crackdown on Lesbians.