Bible: tl;dr edition

Protip: There is this thing called the Internet. If you want a Christian explanation for the origin and nature of evil then I suggest you look for it there. Its been covered, despite what @Skeptic would have you believe.

This is the totality of my kindness for those who mock God. You are wasting your time in trying to bait me. I’m not going to educate you.

I never said that you think people never believed in gods, I said that your argument assumes this to be true.
Which leads straigh into:

Evidence is what is presented in order to prove an assertion. If you are using it in any other way then I’m afraid I’m at a disavantage and cannot make a rhetorical argument in light of the technical dictionary you’ve decided to use to interpret what I must mean.

I did address your rebuttals. If I didn’t rebutt what you said point for point is because I felt that your arguments are logically constructed and flow well from one to the next.

I believe you have some hidden assumptions and addreessed those.

I’ve yet to find a single apologetic that works logically for the problem of evil. Every single one devolves into fallacy. And here I was, hoping that you might try out something new instead of the same old presupposition, special pleading, or plain old internal logical contradiction: that either god somehow is simultaneously all-loving and not all-loving, or all-powerful and not all-powerful, or all-knowing and not all-knowing, or any combination of those three self-contradictions.

But I guess just taking your sarcastic sophistry at face value is all your really wanted…


At this point I don’t think anyone would expect that of one of your posts. Elucidating they are not.

Theodicy is a real problem for Christian doctrine and theology. You really don’t have any rebuttal whatsoever. As to mocking god, well, Thomas Jefferson noted, " Ridicule is the only weapon which can be used against unintelligible propositions. Ideas must be distinct before reason can act upon them."


Some position to consider:


wtf? this comment once again skirts all the major points in my previous comment it replies to and instead once again addresses what you mistakenly think i think. i’m at a bit of a loss, i just don’t get this form of discussion. it is almost awkward for me, like i should leave the room because i’m interrupting an argument you are having with yourself.

Did I say you said that? NO. I said that if you understood my arguments I say the exact opposite things you are asserting “I must think” and my arguments in no way “assume that to be true”. All three of your assertions about what I think are incorrect, and in direct contradiction to my actual arguments. I am saying if you understood or read my argument better you’d know that your assertions about what I think are incorrect. Period.

sorry, where? i cannot find that anywhere, maybe a mod deleted it?

You didn’t even touch my rebuttal about catholic vs protestant bibles?

You didn’t even touch my rebuttal about “not knowing” being a valuable and valid answer and false answers being detrimental?

your examples of what constitutes evidence contradicts your own definitions of evidence ironically.

the difference is i am referring to substantiated evidence (proof, facts, verifiable information) and you are referring to unsubstantiated evidence (any argument, absolutely anything qualifies). none of the things you refer to have substantiated evidence and contradict your own stated definitions of evidence

seriously, i’m looking forward to seeing this evidence. is this like when people talk about evidence of UFOs? (which ironically are far more likely!)

I’m not sure that’s true… have you asked them all. that’s well over [edited to correct] two billion people. Just because there is a vocal minority that spouts this nonsense (here, in America), doesn’t mean they all agree on this issue.

great quote!

@shaddack - that actually makes a lot of sense and was quite a fascinating read, certainly worthwhile of consideration. thanks for sharing that link!

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Hey! It turns out I’m an ignostic! I’ve literally had tens of debates that eventually shake out to me explaining my ignostic position, but I never knew it had a name until now. Whadda know? Maybe there is something going on up in my head meat.


Is that a thing now? If we don’t openly disagree and mock people of faith and actually try to understand them, we’re accomodationists? That’s kind of dogmatic, no?


There is one God. Jesus Christ is the Son of God and no one will come to the Father except by the Son.

You can mock me, if you wish.

You got a call on line two. It’s Hinduism, and it sounds like it’s disagreeing.


I answered, it was an empty line. They are all dead.

False call.

Everything you just said is nonsensical babble until you’ve properly defined the term God, and any extraneous verbiage you might happen to use in such a description. Otherwise, I’m satisfied with the thorough mockery I’ve subjected you to so far.

If you’d care to define your terms to a reasonable extent, and agree on a common linguistic usage, I could do a lot better of a job criticizing you using regular logic and reason instead of resorting to basic mockery that requires a lot of assumptions regarding the meaning of everything you’ve said so far.

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Ok, I think I know how this game is played

You are arguing a specific point

Then I retort with a specific answer.

To which you respond with a general answer.

Then i respond with a general answer.

Then you respond with a specific answer.

… etc…

Sorry, not interested. Google is your friend.

Eh, I’m bored of this. I’ve already executed enough zingers here. You can have the last word, if you like. I’d be very surprised if it were spent saying anything worthwhile.

Since… when?

Where are they? I place the onus on you.

I defy them and you.

About a billion of believers disagree with you.

Can you prove them wrong? Can you prove yourself right? Can you find a way how to disprove either you or them (aka hypothesis falsifiability), possibly experimentally?


I don’t care how many people are wrong.

How many people did the Romans kill, because they did not deny Christ?

BTW, this conversation will not proceed until you answer this question. I’ve played this game before.