Biden gets Covid hours after saying he'd drop out of race if "some medical condition" emerged (video)

… I imagine Harris (or whoever) would get the benefit of the doubt until the next debate

If that debate was another fiasco, then Doomer Freakout 2.0 would commence at that time :thinking:


The pundits that I was hearing this from four months ago were throwing around all sorts of names, but now I pretty much hear only Harris.

I may well be mistaken, but I’m cautiously optimistic that if this happens that most people agree that it’s better to go for the obvious candidate than have a stupid convention fight. 1) Biden would almost certainly endorse her, 2) the public have already voted for her on a ticket, casting at least some legitimacy on it, and 3) she can legally carry on Biden’s campaign with all his cash, which otherwise would need to be funneled through a SuperPAC.

Anything else I 100% agree would be a shitshow. All the other governors and people whose names have been mentioned should immediately throw their weight behind her.

In fact, I think there’s a fair chance this is what’s being discussed now. I think Biden should rightfully stay in the race if the alternative is a stupid fight, but if it looks clear that the party will quickly coalesce around Harris (and if she agrees of course) then I think that’s a real possibility.


I think the only candidate I’ve seen with wheels is Whitmer, but I don’t see how they can essentially “dump” Harris without getting massive blowback.

I do wish that the Dems had been smarter and got Harris out more doing almost anything in the way Biden was all around during the Obama years. She’s going to suffer from some mainstream “who is she again?” which will impact those with limited attention span.

I don’t think Kelly, Newsom, Pritzger (please no, we need him), or some of the other names mentioned are the right fit for right now.

I live in ABSOLUTE FEAR that the Dems bring out Hillary as the B option.


Well, I will still be here voting for pretty much any Democrat who isn’t Trump. So, I might as well go for a walk and have a tasty beverage. : )


As you point out, Harris is clearly the only real choice, and she’s already on the ticket. A vote for Biden/Harris is a vote for Harris already. They can run all the campaign they want on this already.

I expect the shitshow. Egged on by non Democrat actors all around too, as if the Democrats couldn’t already create their own chaos.

CNN published today that the whole thing has been great for media and news outlets.


In the past 25 years, not once has the incumbent party won in an open seat election and a contested nomination.

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According to them, COVID is in the past and there’s no more pandemic.


… if Biden is going to turn it over to Harris, then he should just resign, now

People will definitely know who she is if she is The President running for reelection :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


I’ve seen that suggestion too, but today saw an additional breakdown with deeper reasons for why. It essentially pointed out that if Biden is announcing to the world that is he unfit to campaign, then he is effectively announcing that he is unfit to handle the duties of the president also.

People keep acting like there’s no difference between choosing a new candidate before the first primary and 32 days before the convention after every primary is done.


He is. It was in one of the press statements.


And that is exactly the problem. Possible candidates vying for the seat, the chaos of that “musical chairs” kabuki theater, and voters who overwhelmingly supported Biden in the Primary getting pissed off, etc. And then the independent voters viewing it from the outside.

This is a recipe for disaster.

And, like, what the hell was Adam Schiff thinking when he started sniping at Biden? Polls don’t mean shit. Them and debates, too. Obama had a bad first debate. Going into his second election, polls said he was going to lose. Polls said Hillary Clinton was going to win by landslide against Trump. I wouldn’t be surprised, should Biden step aside, if Schiff puts himself up as a contender. Screw him. People should look up how he conducted himself running against Katie Porter. Jamie Raskin would be far better for many reasons.


I think most people, no matter their candor, would be open to something like…

"My fellow Americans. In 2019 when I announced I was running for President, I wanted to do my part as a citizen to help bring our country back from the despair that had gripped our nation during the COVID pandemic. Since my election, we have improved upon our American way of life and brought our nation back to being a leader on the world stage. We’ve passed multiple laws that set the stage for tremendous growth in the future. And I want to be a part of that future.

As you might have heard in the news yesterday, I have come down with COVID, just as many of have had. I’m feeling fine, but as I work in isolation I’ve given a lot of thought to the future. And while the spirit is willing, I feel America is best served if I allow a younger, more representative person serve as the leader of our amazing country. Thus, it is with enthusiasm that I am nominating Kamala Harris to serve as the Democratic nominee for President of the United States. She is a woman of color, and a person of mixed decent, a person who represents the melting pot idea our country was founded on. {more things about why she would be the best}

I am happy to be honored to continue to serve as your President until the election, and I look forward to handing over the reins to someone who has been here with me, helping to build our country back better, and will continue to do so, taking us into a bright future our children will be happy to grow up in.

Thank you all, and God Bless America


Right? Instead of having a rematch of a race that Biden won, they’ll drag out a rematch of a race that Hillary lost.

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He’d be placing Harris at an unnecessary disadvantage — she’d obviously be a stronger candidate if she were already President

It would be saying he doesn’t care who wins :confused:


Oh, so you’re saying abdicate and her then run as incumbent? I hadn’t considered that. Hmm.


This right there is why I still support Joe, because he’s running interference for a President Harris. She’s already there to fill in, and let’s assume she takes the mantle when Joe passes it. THEN, after the election, we can still select a new veep to fill her shoes.

I would vote for Harris in a heartbeat, mind, but she doesn’t have the incumbent bonus yet. And I fear she’s more vulnerable to bigotry without that, much like how they whittled away at Hillary.

My personal feeling is that Joe just needs to scale back and not try so hard to show physical energy, because it doesn’t matter. His real strength is that he has a great team, so let them do the grunt work. Show that it’s a team with an actual leader, and hammer Project 2025.


I have friends in Milwaukee reporting that Grindr has had a lot of outages this week due to the sudden increased usage in the area. I’ve also offered crash space to at least one friend so she could get out of the area while the RNC is infesting my state.


that seems to me to be a big reason for the current state of affairs, talking up Trump and talking down Biden drives news engagement.


The viable alternatives have already announced their support for Biden. The total chaos that would ensue should he quit would hand the election to the twatwaffle. And just getting voters demoralized, or giving some a justification for not voting could do enough damage.
People need to stop pushing this bullshit narrative (notice who is spreading it the most?) and not see this as an opportunity to slide in their idea of a “better” candidate. I seem to remember a few other names on primary ballots-where Biden won even when he was a write in.


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