Biden the best Dem to take on Trump says poll

Originally published at:


I honestly think that all the vitriol from the media is turning people toward Biden. I mean, there has to be some proportion of voters who don’t trust anything that CNN says (but also don’t like Trump) and so are now thinking, “Well if CNN says Biden is no good, then he might just be our man!”


It’s not just CNN. Half of MSNBC is also hammering Biden, as are the major networks. Even NPR is giving too much attention to the “Is Biden too old” story.


And with all of this media attention focused on Biden, it’s as though Trump has vanished.

Could it be that negative press coverage is still better than no coverage at all? I mean, it sure feels like the negative media attention only helped to fuel Trump’s rise. Is the same thing now happening for Biden?


So many polls… who’s results are tucked well within their own (falsely) computed (and way underestimated) MOEs… generate so many huge headlines… despite the meaning of an margin of error being “within this range there is nothing to be discerned”.

Meanwhile in my corner, i sit and rock, mumbling lists of all the horrors associated with trump (rapist, convicted felon, proven perpetual liar, racist, misogynist, stolen states intelligence, tax cheat, insurrectionist, avowed would-be dictator, mental rot-down, …) “…and this guy is a major risk to the Democratic candidate!? any Democratic candidate?? how is this @#$! possible?” and rock and mumble and rock and mumble…


Maybe. But it’s also pretty undeniable that Project 2025 has penetrated the general public’s consciousness, and I think that’s having an effect. A bunch of my Facebook friends have been posting about it, and they were seemingly unaware of it until 2 weeks ago, even though I’d posted about it months ago. I’m not sure what caused that, but it could be helping Biden.


One can always dream.

Too bad there wasn’t a real primary with better candidates, but I’d vote for Biden’s corpse before I’d vote for a republican.


I can’t speak for anyone other than the people I know, but there’s a lot more talk about all the terrible stuff in Project 2025 – and a certain number of people who are asking why the press is putting all their energy into “Biden is old, Biden stutters, Biden is boring” instead of stuff that really matters.


For all the folks saying Biden step down, I haven’t heard anyone suggest another candidate. Then again I’ve not looked too hard. I don’t think I’ve heard anyone else even offer themselves.

I’m not excited by Biden but do I need to be? when the other option is terrifying?


A lot of the actual human beings (excluding the media-industrial complex and celebrities) who were thinking of who could replace Biden have processed through to the point that they realize that there is only one real option: Kamala Harris. She is the only one who can access the campaign funds and structure, the only one who can step into the nomination based on the primaries, and the only one who can claim any of the administrations accomplishments as her own. And she’s backing Biden.

So there is no other option.


Cue the NYT, which “suddenly” has doubts about the polls it usually blindly follows.


… oh good, another “Should Biden step down?” topic, where all the arguments that are already obvious to everyone can be rehashed again and again

This is the best election ever :unamused:


Yes! And it’s disgusting.

It is drowning out some of the most intense and revelatory news about the leadership of this country since the 1850s.

It has had that effect on me. But so has his domestic policy likewise.

First of all these national policies are working and people in some conservative areas are likely coming to grips with how much of their unfortunate circumstances are really the responsibility of their corrupt local and state governance.

There’s also just a lot of people that aren’t really well understood too. Theory of mind is hard for everyone I guess?


Pop Tv GIF by Schitt's Creek

Uh Huh Reaction GIF by Originals

It seems to have, but I wonder if people are really getting how bad that thing is and what it would mean… Some probably see it as gutting the federal government and think that’s a great idea…


I would vote for a cheese sandwich (or half an onion) over the other guy. Biden’s done better than I expected and actually taught me a thing or two about what’s possible. It sucks that he’s all we have. It would be great if he could retire on his successes and let someone younger take the lead, but that timeline also probably has sentient flying spiders and a kaiju chicken, so I’ll just stick with this reality. Thanks.


His record is thus a great reason to want him to have a second term. But his record rendered in the way that modern American media renders it — meaning, his actual record, left essentially invisible—is not a great reason to expect that he would win.


My friends who are posting about definitely get it, and they’re not super plugged in to politics like I am.


Good to know…


Somehow just happened to have a clipboard full of it:

Media Matters publishes useful guide to Project 2025, the extreme right-wing agenda that ’represents a threat to democracy, civil rights, the climate, and more’
Video of Trump celebrating Project 2025, which he now claims to know nothing about
A list of the terrible things Project 2025 has in store for us
Trump’s nightmarish ’Project 2025’ is summed up in a one-minute nutshell (video)
Project 2025 welcomes MAGA with banners at the Milwaukee airport before convention


I posted elsewhere that there is now a mem going around that says “Funny how the folks who know all about this “Project 2025” are Leftist Commies. Just more Deep State Trump Derangement Syndrome!” So, yeah, I think they are truly frightened that this may have actually, finally, jumped the shark. No clue what happened to the battery, though.