Biden the best Dem to take on Trump says poll

What Do You Mean Schitts Creek GIF by CBC

That’s been a byproduct of this period in time when T**** hasn’t been sucking all the air out of the room. As reporters aggressively ask Biden whether he’ll drop out, he’s managed to actually talk about his administration’s record and accomplishments and get them into the news cycle. When other Dems have been asked about whether Biden should step down, the vast majority have echoed that.

Maybe the Dems needed some drama to get the attention they needed on actual results and policy?



Yeah, Whitmer has said no and Newsom has said no. They’ve even said if Biden steps down and Harris steps in, they won’t challenge it. They’re gonna wait for 28. Anybody else with half a chance is going to wait.

At this point I doubt the polls represent much beyond basic partisanship.


I am voting for biden, doing some volunteer stuff for his campaign, and I might be a poll watcher in Virginia. That said, it would be really fun if Trump was beaten by a woman of color.


In the sense of

sure, but I fear that ship sailed for this go 'round, and if there is a God by next time he will be taking a long dirt nap, so nah…


Damn you, You tummy rumble instigating fiend! Now I pine for a Cheese and Onion sandwich and I musn’t have one 'til tomorow at noon! That’s 17 hours from now… Wanders off and sulks in the corner. :joy:


Which makes me think, why is this even a topic of discussion? Unless it really is “4D Chess” any “Press is good press” and with out this nontroversy we’d have zero press and it would be Trump coverage 24/7?


I’m sorry! Be strong. Now that you mentioned it, I want one too. I’ll refrain from having one until then in solidarity. :fist:


BBC News as well, it’s just endless chattering about his cognitive ability and talking heads saying he needs to step down. The PM also did a press conference after the NATO summit and just had mostly questions about this and not enough of substance like… oh, i don’t know… how we can secure eastern Europe’s borders from murderous dictators. So, this poll is telling me that it’s just more media echo chamber nonsense and that journalists needs to focus on some proper journalism and not clickbait theatre?

Understand Mr Rogers GIF



Trump is exciting, in the same way that being trapped in a burning building is exciting.

Give me boring any day, Clement Attlee was boring and look at what he achieved as the British PM.


Thanks for the links. I will make good use of them.


I would totally watch an anime gritty reboot of Scooby-Doo!


Right? I was not at all excited to vote for him in 2020 (of course there was no way I was going to vote for Trump regardless of who was on the D ticket). His centrism was so unappealing when compared to several of his primary competitors. Yet while in office he’s had a surprisingly progressive agenda and has done a lot of good. Has he been perfect? No, of course not, but I’d take 100 Bidens over 1 Trump any day of the week.




If there was a god with any will towards intervention or sense of propriety, he would have done something in 2016, if not several thousand human fiascos before that.


I have never believed in any kind of god, but if Trump were to have a heart attack or stroke (preferably while on the toilet, but I’m not terribly picky about that) between now and November, I would be up for converting.

There’s still time, god and/or gods and/or goddess and/or goddesses!


On one hand I have been feeling like people in this country would eat asbestos for breakfast if some one told them the libs hate it. On the other hand people seem to be coping with the whole “false flag” angle and that means they are losing the fight because the thing is ok but then what is your platform if it isn’t this thing all y’all standing there worked on together and recorded yourselves promising to force reboot the system to implement. Like it isn’t the thing you spent all last season talking about so then… what is it? What the fuck is your vision for this country besides making the orange shitgibbon your god-king-emperor?

What’s day fucking 2 like?

It’s like the plot of Lost. They don’t have anything. That really is their thing and they’re trying to hijack our whole damned country.


And unlike Biden, right now there’s no backup plan for (R). The GOP trying to find another candidate would be like



I want to give you my sincere and deep thanks for getting involved in the campaign! The only way we’re going to defeat Trump and Trumpism in November is by each of us doing something – anything – to help get out every vote that we can!