Biden Transition Team/Appointments Watch


I’d love to find out who pitched this train wreck of a nominee to Biden and how he was convinced to put her name forward.


But think tanks contribute so much to society!


From 2016, grist for the mill


“Hillary Clinton’s inner circle”. That goes a long way to answering my question.


Imagine if Hillary Clinton had beaten Trump.

I’d have preferred that outcome, of course, the same way I’d have taken a pile of rotting vegetables over a pile of poop if I was starving and those were the only two items on the menu.


We just lived through 4 years of utter hell, with over a half a million people dead. Clinton is by no means my preferred candidate, but at the very least, she wouldn’t have been half as bad as Trump.


Let’s not downplay how bad things have been under Trump, how close we came to losing our entire democracy and ushering in a full on white supremacist fascist regime under him.


I chose that metaphor carefully, knowing that a pile of rotting vegetables has far more than half the nutritional value of a pile of poop. I’d still prefer better choices.

In any case, and back on topic, my main point was that my question about which Dem advisor might have had the abysmal sense of judgement to recommend a garbage nominee like Tanden to Biden was answered. I was not surprised by that answer.


I actually suspect it was working on the ACA more than that. She’s pretty hated because she’s an asshole and a warmonger, but Clinton’s influence is at an all time low and she also has deep connections with the Obama administration when they worked with CAP.


That would make more sense. Biden was all about pushing the ACA through.

I’m really ok with the Dems nominating people who will fight for the cause. The problem with the establishment Dems is that they’re locked into the conservative mindset that being a fighter means one is also allowed to be a raging and bullying arsehole to everyone, including people on one’s own side who aren’t seen as sufficiently loyal or deferential. That’s how you get creeps like Tanden or Cuomo or Emanuel or Wasserman-Schultz in the party, who will always end up betraying liberal and progressive values in some way.

I wouldn’t expect either of the Clintons to grasp this concept in regard to appointees, but Obama and especially Biden should have. Both are more of the positive Al Smith “Happy Warrior” school of getting things done and pushing things through without constantly being a dickhead.


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