Biden wins Arizona, first Dem to take state since Clinton era

While this is true, if things are truly unclear on Jan 6 it probably means that we have worse problems than “the Electoral College is an undemocratic representation of voters’ intentions” :upside_down_face:


A few are good – I will point to my state of Maryland, which is possibly the best, or one of:


That may be part of it, but them worrying he might start a new political party if they don’t back him enough may be an even bigger factor.

What everyone seems to be largely ignoring is how legally screwed Trump and many other people may be, come Jan. 20th.

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Neither do I, but Fivethirtyeight trusts him, so?

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I don’t know NickyG… I feel that if I point an AR camera at this bad boy a Blue Crab will appear.


Ooooh, snazzy.

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Although I wonder if it’s ever triggered a seizure, come to think of it…

Then they have a timing problem. The Republican party is going to have to return to Earth long before the Georgia runoffs. What do they do on Dec 14th after the EC votes, say “Oh well, we gave it a good try, and you should have won, but it is what it is”, or do they keep going with “The EC doesn’t elect the President, that’s Congress’ job on January 6th”? “It’s not really final until he’s sworn in on the 20th”?

They might not want to be Mad Max warlords, but if they keep driving down the Thunderdome turnoff to humor Trump, they might find it hard to turn around.


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