Originally published at: Big Fruit Loop is the real breakfast of champions | Boing Boing
Can i also use it as a flotation device?
Yes but only in milk and only for about 5 min.
Only if you use beer (or a light breakfast wine) instead of milk.
I thought it looked like a sponge…
Froot Loops should be spelled – and always should have been spelled – “Froot Luips”.
The mascot looks like it should be called Toucan Sham.
It should float in a large enough breakfast bowl.
I hope this won’t get me banned elsewhere but I’m worried, that one guy might one-up this with an even hyuuuuge-er “hyperfrootloop.”
What is your preferred light breakfast wine?
that’s a big fruit loop.
20th century schizoid charms.
The real breakfast of champions!? Thats exactly what (puts on tinfoil hat) big fruit loop wants you to believe sheeple!
Advocaat? I have been looking at the box of crunchy nut cornflakes and the bottle of advocaat and going ‘hmmmmmm’ more than is healthy.
Guinness and Advocaat?
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