Bigot Fired

Not really knowing that this existed (hey, I live in Germany, give me a break), my thinking is that since the remarks were made in a different venue, the network did not want to be seen as giving the guy a platform that he could exploit to spread his views.

People may like watching the animal in its zoo cage, but when it starts to upset the visitors then you pull it out of the exhibit.

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Whenever I walk into my local drugstore and see the giant floor display of Duck Dynasty bobbleheads, I rethink my strict anti-arson policy.

That is a dumb question, not an awkward question. I still agree with your assertion that the A&E Network should be formally empowered by the UN Security Council to go around the world firing anti-gay ā€œIslamicsā€ ā€“ that is where you were going with your ā€œquestionā€ on a blog post about staffing decisions made for a gimmick reality TV show right?


Can I ask just ONE awkward question ?? Why is it that Islamics are never criticized for THEIR vocal and real-world actions against GLBā€™s ??

No, Boing Boing has never highlighted the issue of anti-gay activities in Muslim countries. Itā€™s a scandal!

Oh, except for here. And here. And letā€™s not forget here and here.


All cable speciality channels, over the long term, tend to become reality TV or pseudo-scientific woo show channels, it seems.

It followed the classic path to cable channel ruin, pioneered by MTV. It goes like this:

  1. Find a niche to base your channel on (music, science, movies, etc)

  2. Experiment with original programming, even if it has little to nothing to do with your original niche.

  3. Note that you got a spike in viewers with this new programming. Create more original shows in the hopes of getting even more viewers.

  4. Repeat the process until your channel no longer even features the original content it was created for. At least TNN was honest enough with the change to rebrand the channel.

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woo, very few comments. nielsen is so accurate.

Pithy, but untrue. Or at least, unproven/unprovable. Aside from that: Religion isnā€™t something that exists in a vacuum. People make it up as they go. Why hold them completely blameless for it? I mean, do you honestly believe religion comes from god(s)? No, it comes from the people who believe this sort of thing. Also this quote posits that there exists out there ā€œevil peopleā€ and ā€œgood people;ā€ a dichotomy Iā€™m not so sure exists in a meaningful way, kind of like ā€œsmart peopleā€ and ā€œdumb people.ā€

Well, at least weā€™ve still got Paula Deen to kick aroā€¦oh, waitā€¦

Bwaah haaa haa ha!! Thanks for making my day. Thatā€™s comedy gold.

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I will answer this after you point out where the network in question hadnā€™t fired all of its Muslim celebrities of similarly popular shows caught making similarly hateful comments in a different media outlet. Fnord.


Its very provable. Youā€™re just not paying attention if you canā€™t think of anything evil done by well meaning people in the name of religion. The origins of said religion donā€™t enter into it. Spare us from your moral relativism. For example, you can clam cutting the clitoris off millions of young girls isnā€™t evil because evil doesnā€™t exist. I say it is and it does. You just want to turn this into a discussion of semantics.

ā€˜My opinion is that you are right, all my opinions are wrong.ā€™

/me sings the logical fallacy theme song

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Sidestepping the fact that you think itā€™s no big deal to equate gays with terrorists: Yes, heā€™s free to express his own backward, distasteful opinions. No, heā€™s not free of the consequences of expressing his own backward distasteful opinions.


I donā€™t know. I saw them on Dr. Oz of all places (blame my 103 fever) and he was interviewing them about why their relationships and family were so emotionally and spiritually healthy, and how they were so physically fit. He treated them, with total sincerity, as lifestyle gurus. It was pretty surreal and seemed borderline Tim and Ericā€¦

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One doesnā€™t need religion to get good people to do evil things. While religion can be used in that way, it hardly holds a monopoly on it, and I think if one were to compare human history it isnā€™t even responsible for a majority if it. People like to cite the Crusades as proof of religionā€™s inherent blood lust (ignoring the very secular forces also involved), but if one were too look at the death tolls of wars, there are over a dozen bloodier ones caused by nations and empires and political movements.

Letā€™s Godwin this - do you really think everyone involved in the Holocaust hated Jews to the point of gleefully participating in systematic genocide?

This is where some Christian conservatives do that thing where the First Amendment is held to guarantee Freedom of Reality Show, isnā€™t it?

Yes, it is exactly that. Just look at the comments on A+Eā€™s Facebook pageā€¦ unless of course you value your sanity and/or have at least a little remaining hope for humanity.

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Because the bible says itā€™s okay for guys to have multiple wives. Iā€™d like to know why thereā€™s not more preaching being done about mixed clothing blends.


A segment of the US population seeks to emulate these characters: backwoods living, gun-toting, hunting, camo-wearing, bearded and flag-headbanded millionaires who pray to Jesus before dinner. This segment believes that the Robertson clan are living authentic lives that are captured by the camera, rather than a producer-directed script and set of behaviors designed appeal to said segment. I question the authenticity of everything on television but I am not surprised that people who believe that this living style represents Core American Values. Regardless of how auth- or inauthentic this clan is, I predict media hype about backlash for 9.75 days

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Wait, we put a redneck on t.v. so we could point and laugh at him for doing redneck things, we validated his life choices by pointing cameras at him and making him rich, and now weā€™re shocked and appalled when he says something dumb and rednecky?

I donā€™t agree with him AT ALL but to put it in thematic parlance-

Yā€™all are a bunch of hypocrites.

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