Bill O’Reilly does not know anything about history.
Due to your “Keerist” I award you extra points for delivery.
They lose their minds about how any tax support of the common good is ZOMG SLAVERY!!!
Ask them about ACTUAL Slavery, though, and they’re like, “Meh. Wasn’t so bad.”
I think you’re a couple decades off, there…
I dunno. Johnson was legit struggling with a vocal base and the legacy of a dead president. He wound up on the right side of History.
Reagan just saw a lot of pissed off and frightened white people and was like, “I can get them to vote for me by terrifying them about black people.”
Video not available for some reason,
The reason is that they want all the clicks for themselves:
Slavery apologia sadly isn’t a reflexive contradiction - this is something that a lot of Republicans actually buy into (party of Lincoln my ass). Those trying to downplay it are on a spectrum, from being the kind of asshole that believes that everything America does or has done is morally correct - and therefore slavery and genocide must also have been correct - to being the kind of asshole who would be fine if they brought back slavery for black people today.
Fuck, I really hate that one; it makes me wish I could choke the stupid out of them with the power of my mind, like Darth Vader.
Sadly, for some reason, oxygen deprivation to the brain does not correlate with an increase in intelligence.
For some people, stupid = life.
I stand by my statement.
Yes, I am evil.
I have some helpful suggestions of my own concerning how they work it out between themselves:
I’m in favor of rehabilitation, like tying them up and making them sit through a one-on-one reading of Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl, read by either Beyonce (for Bill O’Reilly viewers) or Leslie Jones (for the alt-right crowd), with no intermissions.
Plus, the notion that it might, conceivably, in some bizzarro-world way be the case that some people elsewhere might actually have been worse off than slaves is hardly a great justification for the practice FOR FUCK’S FUCKING SAKE. Well, unless you’re Bill O’Reilly, but then, who is?
Nonononono, that would ruin the screaming when we tar & feather him, then set him running ahead of the Macy’s Day Parade with a Roman candle up his ass. The screaming is important you know.
Nice, but I refer you, Good Sir, to my above suggestion.
Anyone who defends Roger Ailes can go straight to hell and be screwed by a thorny-dicked horse for eternity.
Wait, did I type that out loud?
I don’t know. Listening devices in your sector are currently malfunctioning.
“REFFER” OK, I got it again.
So, this statement seems ill advised and tone deaf, but also probably factual and not contradictory to Michelle? There is some minimization in his tone that makes me really wonder what he was going for.
He was going for showing that “of course” he’s smarter than some black person. Especially a liberal one. What he actually says matters less than how he says it. It helps ratings, and also helps push his “history” books.