Billboard companies reject atheist group's ad mocking Noah's Ark theme park as 'Genocide And Incest' center

No, sickles are one-handed.

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I didnā€™t say absolutely sure; I was mostly guessing.

I can be wrong, and admit it; ainā€™t no thing.

Someone beat you to it, by 17 minutes.

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You bet. How else could we have bicycles?



ROAD TRIP! The Creation Museum and The Ark Parkā€¦Canā€™t wait!!!


Guess the owner of that sign never read the bible. The devil doesnā€™t get you, he gets tossed into the lake of fire for all eternity by the same sicko god that condemns all the people who simply donā€™t believe in him to eternal torture. GOD is the only one doing the getting, and he is one twisted mf.


Anti-God religion, eh?

How often do I have to attend services?

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Nobody thinks a teenage Jesus had a ticket on that boat.

Ah ah ah, thereā€™s that word againā€¦

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Did somebody say Teenage Jesus?


Depriving children of the necessities of life.

Food, shelter and clothing are important, but so is an open mind and the best information available.

Americaā€™s radical fundamentalists terrify me with their hostility toward fact and intolerance of others.

  • If they would just stop using the guns, motor vehicles, and electronics that are not sanctioned by the Bible then the rest of us could safely ignore them.

this always cracks me up on I-71 north of Cincinnati.


Itā€™s so weird that there are so many billboards reminding people or literally the easiest shit to remember. Who needs to be reminded that if you donā€™t go to church the devil will get you? Iā€™d like to kickstart a billboard nonprofit that has truly helpful things on billboards like, ā€œDid you remember your wallet?ā€ or ā€œIs your anniversary coming up?ā€ or, a-la XKCD, just rotating through wikipediaā€™s list of common misconceptions (the more pithy ones, I guess)ā€¦


I saw that one just a couple of weeks ago. I love how non-specific it is. ā€œGo to church. Any church. Theyā€™re all pretty much the same.ā€


You know, I know some people who hit rock bottom and religion helped them back up. None of them were helped by, ā€œI better stop drinking and doing drugs and beating up people because I will go to hell.ā€ They turned to religion when the someone told them that they werenā€™t a giant pile of shit like everyone says. Christ loves you and cares about you and wants you to be better.

So even if these people are well meaning they are failing at it.


I didnā€™t like the tone of their billboard, either. If theyā€™d actually said something clever or funny, Iā€™d have given them some $$. Simply insulting perhaps the majority of folks who live in the tri-state area strikes me as a bad plan.

Anyone leaving Floriduh by the Floriduh Turnpike will enjoy the CC billboards claiming that a fetal heartbeat begins 10 days after conception. And because some of those signs are out in the middle of nowhere, Iā€™ve often wiled away the hours of hellishly boring Floriduh driving by considering the methods I might use to take one down or deface it.

Almostā€¦ALMOSTā€¦ makes me nostalgic for this stuff:


I forgot about ClearChannel owning a bunch of billboards. They are terrible. Why I listen to NPR. Thank God we have a good public rock channel in our area.



Actually, isnā€™t that one of the central arguments made about the utility or value of religion? That mankind, acting on its own, cannot adequately live in peace and harmony, so we need Dog to lay down the law so we can all get along like properly dressed and definitely not slutty peas and carrots.

I had a reminder note pinned to the front door for years that said KEYS. DO NOT FORGET LUNCH. BUY COFFEE. It was relevant the entire time.