Black art student with glue gun mistakenly thought to be dangerous, caused 4-hour lockdown at university

Hmm, I think that it’s usually white guys wearing the wizard hats.

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Real life, work, parental duties; stuff happens.

Added to the list.

Binge watched while doing petty household chores and writing curmudgeonly emails

I don’t blame the university for taking a report of a person with a gun seriously, but whoever called it in is a grade-A asshole. A glue gun looks absolutely nothing like a real gun aside from being vaguely L-shaped and having a trigger. While I suppose it’s possible that the person who cried wolf could be a very stupid pants-wetting coward who instantly flies into a panic without taking even a single second to assess the situation, I think it’s far more likely that they knew full well that there was no threat and were engaging in some racist trolling- which, with the current state of our police forces, is tantamount to attempted murder. But then again, I feel like the only possible way there could have been reports of a second gunman who committed suicide is if someone made a very deliberate decision that they were going to lie, so maybe I give people too much credit.


Everyone, did you all stop to think that everyone knew exactly what he was carrying?

A black college student? Probably some damn librul socialist trying to change society with his art with some intellectual elitist message. Ain’t nothin’ more dangerous than that!

Nope. Someone freaked out from abject racism/stupidity. At least he wasn’t brandishing a wallet in NY. I hear that gets you shot.


Do tell?


100%. I thought there was a warlock loose on campus.


Not much. Political stuff mostly. A lot of writing and deleting, trying to get my thoughts in order.

Not a single one of them started with the phrase “dear white people” but all of them should have.


Then your message would have just fallen on deaf ears; take it from a Multiracial Black person who knows all too well from experience.


It seems to me like this is exactly what should happen in this situation. Somebody thought they saw a guy with a gun in the school and called the police, the police went to the school and didn’t shoot the person with the glue gun on the spot.
Sure, the guy being black made somebody very nervous, but it’s not like school shootouts never happen in the US. Is racism involved? Most likely. Did anyone do anything wrong? No.

Using a glue gun while black at Colgate University?


The headline left me wondering what sort of dark arts one might perform with a glue gun.


FWIW: there was a while when calling a person “black” was offensive. Some people of African descent still do find it offensive, since it’s a term white people gave to them, and not to be meant nicely (I just saw a debate about this very thing on Twitter in fact).

So some people avoided the word “black” altogether to avoid seeming racist, and if you said something like “but it’s obvious I’m talking about that car and not a person” would get very upset because you’d compared a POC to a thing. I know people just a little too young to have been hippies who did this. Sometimes they still do when their “use the right words” module is overheated.


That explanation, if applicable, only makes the video more obscure.

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Thank you! I actually had thought of that, but I didn’t think that would be the case in a British context, given the lack of a civil rights movement there, and the relative scarcity of black people. But still, maybe that’s it! If so, then yeah, i suppose the skit could be about that. Still doesn’t explain for me, though, why the guy in it goes as bonkers as he does.

Any Brits here willing to chime in? (Or maybe you’re English? Sorry I hadn’t caught that if you are!)


Who ever said that carrying a glue gun was protected under the 2nd Amendment?

Say what now? If racism is involved, then what happened is that some white folks mightily overreacted, once again, to a “scary” black man, basically terrorizing him and other black students on campus. How is that not wrong?

As the school’s president said,

It is important that we understand the role that implicit racial bias had in the initial reporting of and responses to the events of last night.


Perhaps where you live, this is true. Up here, there are different laws and different norms.

But still, yes, it was a ridiculous situation.

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