How much of a shit head do you have to be to whine aboht the poor treatment of the biggest bad guys in written history?
Even Germans from what I have seen (TBH just a few weeks in Germany) talk about Nazis somewhat casually, as though it is completely self evident that nobody alive could possibly sympathize with them.
I honestly can’t imagine being that stupid, self-centered and unwilling to empathize.
“Power good, minorities bad.”
Seriously, it’s like a toddler’s version of philosophy and morality.
I mean, I played Iago in Othello in high school. Sometimes it’s fun to be the badguy. But that doesn’t mean I trick my best friends into killing their wives.
But don’t you understand, they are TROLLING US, they DID IT FOR THE LOLS! And sure, their school boy antics got a mad man elected who might lead us into a nuclear war, but THEY DID IT FOR THE LULZ!!! /s
But yeah, it takes a real special dickhead to defend nazis like they do and act like it’s some sort of “anti-white” statement…
I’d love to take the time to provide thoughtful counterarguments to every one of your various points, straw men, and goal post moving but since your post is going to get eaten anyway I’m not gonna bother.
ETA: And, it’s gone, so now my post looks totally weird and out of context.