I don’t know about you, but I’m running out of afghan to knit these traitorous jackwagon’s names into.
More realistically, they won’t show up to vote. Too many are too invested in their pet “wedge” issues (guns, forced birth, xenophobia, etc.).
I don’t know about you, but I’m running out of afghan to knit these traitorous jackwagon’s names into.
More realistically, they won’t show up to vote. Too many are too invested in their pet “wedge” issues (guns, forced birth, xenophobia, etc.).
Strong argument for including “NO” votes on a ballot, in addition to the traditional “YES”…
Actually it is a heavy Republican district and was the base for most support of Gov. Christie. Plus NJ allows people to vote in primaries for both parties. This is a holy shit moment.
But Jersey hated Christie by the time he finally left office in disgrace…
Conversation with {hard right} colleague at work: “Look, we disagree on a lot of stuff, but can we at least agree that Nazis are bad?”
No, I guess we cannot agree on that. I suppose my only saving grace is that she would not openly say that she supported a Nazi, but she would not say she did not either.
I believe one of this guy’s primary opponents was a Christie machine candidate, actually? That was part of the split, anyway.
Donald Trump is Jesus!
With the GOP running these openly loathsome candidate, it’ll be easy to run media attacks. then they’ll make up something and attack back. I fear for my sanity in the month leading up to the election. All the media I’ll have to avoid: TV, radio, billboards, mail flyers, most social media, nearly all news sites…
But different parts hated him in different ways.
North Jersey hated him for Bridgegate, killing mass transit plans through Hudson County and wasting tax money for the “ghost mall” in the Meadowlands
South Jersey, where this district is, came late to the hatefest when he closed a beach for himself.
Perhaps the still-fresh bad vibes may not make that district so eager to bring on an actual fucking Nazi… a girl can dream.
As long as he has an ® next to his name, he is a contender for the position. About the only hope here is that minorities are motivated to vote against him.
One can hope. My hands can’t take constant face palming the alternative will bring.
Nope. Per Wikipedia:
New Jersey is a closed primary state. This means that only voters who affiliate with a political party may vote in that party’s candidate selection process (i.e., the primary election). However, unaffiliated voters may declare their party affiliation up to and including the day of the primary election.
And the district voted for Trump. Though they did go for Obama in the two prior elections, so there’s a glimmer of hope.
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