Originally published at: Bloody flesh fell from the heavens during the Kentucky Meat Shower of 1976 | Boing Boing
Correction to headline: the shower in question occurred in 1876, hence the name.
Of course. That would have been my first thought too.
Doh! Pipped by cannibalpeas – who also has superior claim according to moniker.
Did someone try to dynamite a whale nearby?
Today, I learned that rather than being somewhere in the desert southwest, Nightvale must be in Kentucky.
[Read in Cecil’s voice] - "John Peters, you know, the farmer? John peters reports that the mysterious meat showers fell on his property. He says, ‘In dry land farming, normally any precipitation is welcome, but this is just unexpected. I’ve gathered some of the chunks and tried to feed them to one of the hogs but it wouldn’t even try it. It just pushed it around with its horns and pawed at it with a hoof then breathed fire all over it five or six minutes. I tried some of the cooked meat myself and it was really chewy. I had to admit, that hog had a point. Lot’s of points all down its spine really.’
“Well there you have it, Nightvale, don’t overcook the meat from today’s meat shower.”
I was thinking more whale falling from the sky, ala Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy.
I saw the headline and thought, “They had another one in 1976?! Did they eat the meat again that time as well?” But no, it’s just the one I already knew about.
Apparently there was a religious element (what a surprise)- it was seen as (literal) “manna from heaven.” But it was rotten meat thrown up a vulture or the like, so it made people sick. (As you would, you know, expect.)
It was definitely leftovers from alien abduction ejected from a high altitude UFO.
“Not again”
I wonder what “sending it to the lab” meant in 1876?
Probably just that an apprentice doctor had to eat some of it.
The Kentucky Meat Shower
Well that’s the name for my new band decided
1876? Poor, rural Kentucky?
you don’t ask about free meat from the heavens. you just eat it and be grateful.
If there isn’t already a band named Kentucky Meat Shower, there should be. Also, I want their first album to be called “Mutton from Heaven”.
Get on it, music-people.
This deserves many likes.
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