Blue milk launched just in time for Star Wars Day

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Perfect to have with some Spoo. Spoo: The Other Blue Meat™


Isn’t the stuff Luke drinks from those space walruses green milk of some kind? I’m pretty sure blue milk only appeared on-screen in A New Hope.


I’m not really into that sort of thing, but thanks(?), I guess.

Does it go with green eggs and ham?


The “blue milk” that they sell in the Disney parks isn’t even dairy-based at all, so I guess this is at least more authentic than that. But then they went and added 18g of sugar per cup, which is approaching cola-levels of sweetness. Not for me.

Certain failsons/aspiring fascists also use it on their breakfast cereal.


definitely too sweet for me, but i hear that you can get an adult version with tequila in it, which might not be terrible.

I would assume that if the blue milk actually comes from said space-not-walruses the taste would likely not be vanilla. Looking online walrus milk is said to be slightly sweet and nutty but it appears to be from corn fed domesticated breeds. Whale milk, the internet says, it supposed to be fishy which i would imagine blue milk is more likely to taste like if something is feeding from fish and/or kelp.

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Time to start colourizing the spit take memes? :smiley:


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Watched this a while ago and thought it was kind of thoughtful.

Of course this would be an entirely different product and not nearly as distinctive.

Whoops, I completely forgot about that scene. In-universe, seems weird that people living in the heart of galactic civilization drink milk that comes from an animal on some obscure desert planet backwater in the middle of nowhere, but maybe someone liked it so much they bought some banthas and were able to raise them on another planet and make blue milk widely commercially available. Maybe some alien named “Tru’M’oo” or something.

All part of the lore now.

Real tequila, or agave flavored malt beverage?

I’ve got so many questions. But foremost among them is why my fields are not currently full of domesticated walruses.


Because only Marvel’s most evil villains try to domesticate walruses, that’s why.

Alien chemistry but that probably makes sense. There are mammals that produces secretions with vanillin in them, which are beavers, but it is a by-product from the wood that they eat. It occurs with other aromatic compounds in the castoreum from their anal glands, used to mark their territory. People have used it for perfumes and natural flavors because we’re kind of gross.

Yeah i’m mostly going off what a given creature eats to dictate what their milk might taste of. I’m sure there’s quite a lot of variance in that, so one could wave their hand and say it just tastes like vanilla which is fine. Though i think it’s more likely for it to taste slightly weird, or quite weird, and judging by Luke’s reaction from drinking it i’m inclined to think that the raw stuff tastes funky but he’s doing what he needs to for survival.

Skim milk already has a blue tint. It get’s oxygen bleached to return it to a white color humans prefer, but also even breast milk can have a blue tint.

You just need the right land-walrus-minder.

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