Bobcat Goldthwait does the impossible in his latest film — again

If someone signs up to give a glowing review in this thread, then they’ll either be a one-post-wonder, doomed to haunt the archives after the thread is closed (In about 11 hours or so) or they’ll get sucked in to the greater BBS gestalt and start posting in other threads.

And then, we’ve got 'em. Muahahahaaaa…


That would have been an excellent point to have made at the start of the thread instead of four days later. And then the new people could have had a stepping off point (“I came here because of Maureen”), and it wouldn’t have seemed like people were just dropping generic reviews and then disappearing.

If these are in fact people who want to engage in a conversation on this thread (or others), that’s great!


Remember newbies: if you disagree with an article, you’re a sock puppet. If you agree with it, we find you annoying.


Well, that clears your hatred up. Too bad you cant appreciate comedy for what it is: a chance to laugh fullheartedly at the things in life that weighs every indivual down. I think comedians should be appluaded for these efforts, not overly analised and criticised. I can be considered mentally challenged. I have epileptic vertigo from mvc all of which stems from head trauma suffered from abuse, and i have ptsd. I get words cofused, lose control of my body and speech, and often times forget simple things like spelling, and i was an honours english student since middle school. Sometimes the only thing that cheers me up is a silly mockery of myself at my worst. Who are you to judge?


I was invited by Martin to read about a new movie, he seemingly wanted to show support to his friends and get the word of the movie spread about. After reading about it, i can see why and was just as compelled to tell everyone as Maureen and Martin combined. I fail to understand why the “newbies” came bothers you so. We came, we read, we commented. I dont know latin well enough to do that one better, but it doesnt matter. Your nose is so high, i doubt youll read this anyway. It took more energy to stress and comment than it would have to over look. I am replying as it is an attack against the newbies and I, am now one of them.


I greatly dislike that youre feeling like you have to over explain yourself here. You and the “newbies” did nothing wrong. These people are absolutly rediculous. I will continue to support my friends, however, i will pay no mind to petty squabble any further. You shouldnt either. Im sure you have more to worry about than some one on boing boing having their toes stepped on.


I’m just glad I’ve never been asked to explain my posts. Not sure I’d be able to :laughing:


You are too funny, and i fully share the sentiment!


hahaha thanks Michael now i get it

Michael, you might like Bobcat’s film “Windy City Heat” produced by Comedy Central. The entire film is an incredibly elaborate practical joke on hidden cameras about a very unpleasant actor who thinks he was “discovered” to star in his first film. One of Bob’s weirdest and funniest films.


Well, in that case I shall endeavour to remain completely disinterested - can’t get me either way, then! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

(Who the fuck am I kidding…?!).


Silly you would not be here if you didnt posses the slightest bit of intrest, youre found out already!

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I tried to watch saw when i was pregnant with my nine year old. Heard the phone call in the beginning where two men were handcuffed and had to leave. Havent watched a horror movie since, and wasnt really big on them anyway, but sometimes with certain happenings in my life, felt a guilty pleasure from watching some gore. There is enough brutality in life for me to sit and feel as though i am gaining, even in mindless self indulgence, or entertainment. I would rather fill myself with positive inspirations, provokative thought enticers, or a mindless comedy. I no longer watch the news due to the stories they focus on for ratings, but rather filter through articles that grab me. At anyrate, im with ya sister!

@OtherMichael TOO funny! I hadnt considered that could be read this way! Kinda gross to think of it at the same time… O.o


I like a good zombie pic (or a bad one?) but I have never been interested in seeing Saw or it’s ilk. My tolerance for blood in genres of any kind has dropped as I’ve had kids. OTOH I don’t think I even saw a Korean Western/Eastern before my kids were born (eg, The Good, The Bad, and the Weird; TaiChi Hero, etc). Also haven’t seen God Bless America so maybe I’ll revisit that (does Netflix still have it?).

I get what you mean, but my first thought was “why didn’t they induce labor after a year or two?”


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