Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2018/06/06/boo-to-you.html
I’d not seen that before. Thanks for sharing. It made me jump. What a great bit of work.
Ditto. The misdirection is beautiful and makes the jump-scare really work.
So how does the trick work?
These days I would just assume it’s a guy wearing a green morphsuit under the blanket and he’s removed digitally.
I don’t have a clue how it is done. I imagine they kill someone and then get them to come back from the Other Side to possess the bed sheet.
The CG give away is the fake camera shake (notice there is zero rotation going on, that’s not how reality works.) The camera is fixed, there is a guy under a sheet who is left standing there when the sheet is removed. They just copy and paste the background recorded before he walks into place over the top. Low-res hides a multitude of sins.
They had digital copy and paste 150 years ago?
With all due respect to @very, this is the only explanation that really stands up to scrutiny.
Proper attribution is in order; this was created by Brazilian filmmaker Seliganos15.
Here’s a 720p version followed by the creator saying that ghosts are real: https://youtu.be/kWl6_gOJ-So
Note that this seems to be a recent re-post because most of the existing low-res copies are from 2016. Also, the ghost video can be seen near the beginning of this compilation posted in April 2017: https://youtu.be/hY0hcPTIh08
Also, here’s a “making of” partially showing the unedited ghost video: https://youtu.be/jXhnBDWfdTE
Note that this is not really a making of, he doesn’t show how it was done, but instead asks viewers to leave comments if we want him to show exactly how it was done in a future video.
By the way, the auto-generated translation from Portuguese to English within YouTube is fairly accurate.
Thanks for the attribution. I was unable to locate a source.
Or it could be, like a real ghost.
Right? The claim it couldn’t be CGI is bizarre. It’s possible, though not necessarily simple, to do this with a home computer.
Hey! There’s an episode 2 on instagram! Se Liga nos 15 on Instagram: "O video que rodou o mundo tem continuidade... e você?? Corria também?? Marque seus amigos medrosos.. 👊🏻🎩"
No green suit, as shown in the making of video I linked on my previous post.
Bingo. The creator talks about the importance of using a tripod and this can be seen in the making of video I linked on my previous post.
By the way, on instagram, the name “Seliganos15” is also written as “Se Liga nos 15” which might mean something like “Us, the League of 15” or “Connect with us 15” or “Turn Us On 15”. Maybe a Portuguese speaker can confirm or explain. Thank you.
I don’t know, I think a pair of glasses would have upped the creep factor…
So what is the 150 year old trick? Isn’t this just video trickery?
Looks to me a bit like something Georges Méliès would have done.
the action or process of directing someone to the wrong place or in the wrong direction.
This is the clue to how the trick works, no CGI needed. Get the observer to look where the “trick” is not happening.
Great work!
When I want to scare someone I jump out and yell “Boo-urns”
Psst… it’s done with gender fluid.