Bookstore in a train-car

Here’s a mouth-watering set of photos from La caverne aux livres, a bookshop in Auvers-Sur-Oise, north of Paris. The store is in a converted train-car, and appears to be a magical wonderland. The pics were taken by the Gallifreyan Detective, and the whole set is wonderful. An old train transformed into a book shop in… READ THE REST

OT, but Auvers sur Oise is the small town where Vincent Van Gogh was found shot and later died. New research suggests he was murdered by a young local rather than suicide.

There’s also a bookstore inside a boxcar on the sprawling grounds of the Illinois Railway Museum.

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Interesting and nice internal setup. Pity the exterior shots sortof imply ‘out in the middle of nowhere.’

Auvers sur Oise is out in the middle of nowhere. The town is small with narrow, winding streets and the wheat fields where Van Gogh painted are situated just outside and as I remember, on a flat swath just above the town.

Interesting nice concept. great interior and love the pics.

Tales on Rails?

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Reading Railroad!


Reminds me of the old Bookmobile that used to visit our neighbourhood when I was a kid growing up in Etobicoke. Big blue bus-like thing that would park near the school and slowly lower down a set of hydraulic supports before the doors opened and a little set of stairs flipped out to the curb. If I stepped into that thing today, 50 years later, I’d know exactly where to sit by the shelves that held all the Three Boys adventure books. Abercrombie, Benjamin & Christopher.


Rockford, a Grand Rapids, MI suburb, has its own Reading Railroad too:

A nice concept I find here, really great!

In the US, you can pay to add your own rail car to the end of any Amtrak train. It’s nowhere near affordable, especially because you have to store the car somewhere when it isn’t being used, but when I win that lottery I never play, I’m building me one of these out of an old Pullman car with a nice bar and a place to sleep, and keeping continuously mobile.

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