Bored US teens kill visiting Australian man

Obviously the GUN did it. Otherwise, these 3 kids would have grown up to become perfectly healthy and reasonable adults.

And if the kids had freely admitted shooting this guy but claimed self-defense, and the cops just took their word for it and didn’t even bother investigating until there was a nationwide outcry, then you would have a parallel to that “high profile case” you mentioned.

As it is, though, the kids got arrested and charged right away. Somehow I don’t think anyone is trying to pursue an agenda of minimizing this crime.


Read it where?

The first mention I see of it, in the article as linked and the comments, is two comments after yours. It’s actually harder to tell sometimes though, with this new system.

It does seem some sh&@stirrers have arrived. Don’t be one.

Be sure to remember your approach the next time you need due process.

What proof do we have that these boys were mentally ill?

As far as I can tell we don’t even have hard proof that the right people are in custody yet. I’ve learned to take these kinds of confessions with a grain of salt, particularly when the gun used to commit the crime hasn’t been found.

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You think the kind of kids who can make their own weapons from scratch are the kind of kids who get bored and commit murder? Really? Or are you just trying to prove that gun control is evil, because some people break the law?

Those are the moderates. The more radical ones are actually ready to start shooting cops, because of FEMA death camps and creeping socialism.

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You’d have to be, wouldn’t you?

In the post that I replied to, though it seems to have been flagged now and the content is hidden.

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Surely you troll, sir.

cf “Eichmann in Jerusalem: A Report on the Banality of Evil”

So no, probably not mentally ill.

Jesus Christ on a cracker.

Go back to Stormfront. Please.


I saw Easy Rider. And this is why I avoid, whenever possible, “the middle of my country.”

Although I should add, my coworker/buddy was shot twice here in Baltimore in an attempted mugging about a week ago, in a Baltimore neighborhood where this doesn’t normally happen (it’s not ALL “The Wire,” just most of it) so it really can happen anywhere. YAY 'MER’CUH!

You were aware it was fiction?


If you google the story about the shooting about elementary school in ga today. (no one killed tho).

The news outlets mentioned the shooter was a White Male.

White pretty much fits the profile of a school shooter with paramilitary bent and armed with lots of guns and ammo. Along with mentally ill.

Why is mentioned the race of one racist and not the other…both have issues that seem to be related to a specific profile of action against society?

And both should be discussed about why is is this happening in our society?

Yes, I’ll use the term 'angry white male gun nut" to describe that shooter.


Unless they’re minors, in which case a lot of journalists will not publish any personal information at all, which is the salient point you keep ignoring.


I thought he was trying to say that bored adolescents should have access to firearms, since they’re just going to build them anyway.

Well, from the outside looking in the US basically comes across like ‘Escape from New York’. Most of us know it isn’t like that, but stories like these don’t help.

A guy goes into an elementary school with an AK47 and fires several dozen shots, has brief shootout with cops on school property. It hardly even makes the front page of major news websites. WTF, America?

Incidentally, can you imagine what the reaction would be if it were primarily young black men who were shooting up schools?

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