Boy Scout leaders destroy ancient formation in Utah's Goblin Valley

I have a fossil on my desk, and it took 50 million years to get there.

Similar to the way “genius” is used around our office…

I dunno. I love geology and am an amateur rock hound. But most people just see rocks. I’m shining black lights into decorative landscaping rocks looking for florescent minerals, and people think I’m weird. While these goblin rocks look cool, and it took a long time to form, to most people they are just rocks. They should at least pay a fine and become an example of what not to do when out in nature, but I can’t burn them at my stake or anything.

Related story - my friend was throwing stones a at these formations in the shallows of the Dead Sea. He nailed one and someone went off on him. I guess they were salt formations that took thousands of years to make. He had no idea and felt really bad afterwards.

Sometimes I think about the eventual fate of Eagle Rock, between Glendale and Pasadena, CA.

Eventually, it’ll erode to the point where people will wonder where the town got its name. Of course, barring a meteorite strike or some particularly nefarious vandalism involving dynamite, it probably won’t happen before the neighborhood has become a smoldering, Deathclaw-infested radioactive ruin, or we’ve abandoned the planet for the Interstellar Colonies.

Just sayin’, that rock’s in better shape than the Old Man was.


Challenge accepted!

Just… when you go to the demolition supply house, don’t tell 'em I sent you.

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Well, the wife is still out of town for 24 more hours and eagle rock is (sort of) on my way home… Time to take a stroll through the lab and warehouse to see what sort of plan comes together.

Could be worse:


Millions of years? Pu–lease, the earth is only 6,000 years old or so.

And God can always just put it back.

Or Slartibartfast. I always confuse those two…

[sarcasm off]

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Is that like book larning? “Muscles” and I might could do with some.

You know, I was almost going to say that folks shoulder simmer down. I could see how an idiot could think it wasn’t a big deal and perhaps not realize that their few moments of glee was destroying something ancient by human standards. They very well could have not realized how long it takes for something like that to form, and see it as being no more wrong than kicking a stone. I was going to suggest that it is fucking stupid and juvenile, but maybe we shouldn’t be so quick to lynch people for being idiots with no sense of introspection
Then I read their fucking stupid ass response in which they declare that it really was for the children when it is clear as fuck that from the video that it was because they like destroying stuff. It is one thing to be an idiot and do something stupid unknowingly. It is another to double down on being a stupid asshole. The proper response was admit stupidity and thoughtless assholeness and beg forgiveness, not spew bullshit justifications. What an asshole.


"…blaming park rangers for not removing the rock, forcing him and his friends to take matters into their own hands. "

That’s exactly the excuse the police should use when they trow the book at them.

If they truly felt it was a danger, they should just inform the ranger and leave.

Tell me again how this upholds the outdoor code of the BSA. You should be stripped of your leadership and banned from the BSA. You make me ashamed to have ever been a part of the BSA. You are destroyers of nature for your own ego’s sake. Despicable and disgusting.

You should take all that “manliness” and put it to a positive use instead of what you did. SHAME ON YOU.

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To some extent it is like people who dig up archaeological sites for neat stuff, and by disturbing the context losing valuable information in the process. Or the guy who studied the age of trees and ended up cutting down one of the oldest trees in the US.

What I don’t get is why these fat tards couldn’t see their way clear to move 10 feet to their left. Then they’d be safe. That alone says it was a deliberate act.

And why is it that scout leaders all weigh 300 pounds anyway?

An update that says a lot about the “character” of one of these guys:


Thank you Jebus!

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If these guy go to prison, won’t they be breaking rocks again?


Wow. If there were any lingering doubts about his intelligence. Suing a woman for “disabling” you, then getting yourself videoed pushing over thousand pound rocks?!

This is so perfectly stupid it feels fake–like some viral ad or something for a dumb and dumber type movie.