Brain-frying energy weapons actually do exist, say scientists who would know

Then there’s this theory: Zika virus fumigation may have caused 'Havana Syndrome': Leaked study | CTV News


I’d like to see some explanation of the physics involved in such a device, and then I can see if it makes sense or not. So far that hasn’t happened. Yes a radar antenna can transmit high power and cook people’s brains, fry retinas away, and cause sterility, but it requires a whole lot of power and just isn’t very practical as a weapon.

Even more than that. Microwave doesn’t do so well going through walls. So I’m still skeptical of the argument that it was Cuba using microwave beam weapons or whatever they’re called to attack the embassy staff. I still think it was due to mold or fungus of some kind on the premises since that was one of the initial suspects.

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Bit of a tangent, but does have a bit about microwave weapons (for crowd control and other things), video is cued.

And importantly those injuries are heat injuries.

No one has ever shown evidence of injuries or long term effects below “cooks you” levels.


The study from the 60s that is getting cited as evidence used low energy levels that affected the brain without damage to the skin. That study was using a beam applied directly to the side of the head, though, and none of the effects persisted after the beam was turned off.

I’m not saying I know the Havana syndrome microwave story is BS, but it is far from the simplest explanation

I think the mechanism there was still heat though.

Like in multiple studies or incidents the clicking noises people report were caused by the expansion of water molecules in parts of the inner ear.

That’s the only mechanism here. And no one has a clear answer on how heat below the threshold of actually burning shit can cause damage or lasting effects.

We’ve been poking this with a stick for a very long time and there’s still that giant gap there.

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