Scientific report: mystery microwave beam weapon used on diplomats in Cuba and elsewhere

Originally published at:


This still sounded more likely to me:

Could have been both, or aliens :alien:


I feel very, very skeptical about this.


Microwaves have always been high on the list of possibilities, so why didn’t they install a detector in the embassy?

They should be standard after the Russian passive listening device exploits, powered by external signals. (Or just put a Faraday cage around the building.


Indeed some sort of radio waves are by far the most reasonable explanation and yet the easiest to verify. I remember reading complaints by the affected people that they cheaped out on the detector equipment and didn’t install the right kind.

My cynical take is that the spooks did capture evidence but they just aren’t sharing it for political reasons, even with the people effected.


If it was pulsed at an audible frequency, it might explain the sounds people heard, if the microwaves generated signals along auditory pathways. OTOH, would it also cause flashes of light in the retina and muscle twitches? I don’t recall reading of those last two particular symptoms.

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Was it bags of microwave popcorn taped to the windows? Based on the last 4 years… I have my guesses.


According to this report, some of the affected people have actually received brain damage.

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Maybe I’m too cynical, but this still sounds like “madness of crowds” territory to me.

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First time I have said this but… That is what they want you to think.

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