Brainwashed Trump dupe takes the bait: "He's working for God"

I meant that in much broader terms, not “groups” or individiuals and you dont have to be christian to do such things at all. these things have in my opinion nothing to do with religion. just please stop patronizing me; I come from a pretty fuckedup esoteric background in my childhood transitioning into weird, half-old-testament, half-new-age cristian sect in my youth. I am not stupid, ok?

The whole dream of rugged individualists going out and forging their own path without the help of others is largely bullshit. That’s built out of a deep misunderstanding of how the American west was colonized by white Americans. What they did, they did with the help of the US government, the US army, and corporations. And even if groups went out west without the aid of corporations, they were given land by the US government, defended by the US army who were ethnically cleansing the land of the people who already lived there, and they went in large groups to claim their land and built communities around their holdings. They weren’t “rugged individualist” in the slightest… that’s just Ayn Rand’s bullshit marketing.

There are certainly things we can do as individuals, but there are a great many more things we can do together… as @the_borderer as often argued, doing it together, without the coercion of a system like capitalism is certainly possible. It was the most common way of getting shit done prior to the advent of what we like to call “Civilization” (meaning urban-centric empires). And even up to the modern era, most people did not live in dense urban centers under tight control of an imperial capital. The edges of empire were always far less controlled and far more porous than people seem to understand. The Euro-centric imperial model, which arguable had some of the tightest control over it’s borders, lasted a very short time when compared to the older model of land-based empire, and the fact that it was so legally centered and built on colonial violence that sought to control and dehumanize rather than incorporate, meant that it was not going to last. You can’t keep that kind of thing going for the length of a roman or Ottoman empire.

Now I’m sort of wondering what that means about American empire? Which, while it has a violent aspect that has often been used to subjugate some parts of the world, also has a much softer side? In the sense that the goal is to get everyone into our economic system, while allowing some localization? :thinking: Half formed thoughts, you win this time!!!

But see, that’s different, because they’re the “good guys” because we know because they’re atheists! QED!!! /s


I really hope I didnt say that. but the atheist movement? wasnt aware of any movement. at least as an atheist you dont have a god to justify your actions, its all on you, regardless what you did. no exuses there.

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well, fuck me. thank you.


According to Nature, "Critics of new atheism, as well as many new atheists themselves, contend that in philosophical terms it differs little from earlier historical forms of atheist thought.

so, actually nothing “new” about this “new atheism”

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“The Authority considers that conscious beings of every kind have become dangerously independent, so Metatron is going to intervene much more actively in human affairs.”

They’re not brainwashed though, nor have they been hoodwinked - that absolves them of responsibility. No, this is what the white evangelical right have always wanted, an excuse to reject the teachings of Christ (a bunch of libtard shit!) and fully embrace the right-wing political beliefs they always ascribed to God, but which were at odds with much of what Jesus said. Trump is their excuse to just be full-on assholes now and feel righteous doing it, with no cognitive dissonance.


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In my experience it is atheism mixed with the worst parts of evangelicalism, which is why I bounced of it HARD. If I wanted to be part of that kind of judgmentalism then I would just have gone to some right wing church, I knew where they were.


Yeah, that really is baffling. Anyone who has paid any attention to Trump at all can tell he doesn’t give a shit about his faithful followers, or anyone else for that matter.

These people live in a fantasy world, and the Trump they worship has little or nothing to do with the real deal.


At a deeper level though, any underlying philosophy that lays claim to being the ultimate source of moral authority is one that enables those in charge to abuse that power. And that is as true for the communist dialectic or “free-market” theories. I find the history of monastic orders interesting. Throughout the medieval and renaissance periods, monastic orders would slowly become more worldly and corrupt and somebody would create a NEW, more pure monastic order dedicated to Godliness and stripping away the corrupting, worldly influences. Until, after a couple of generations, that order also “lost its way.”


Yeah, but you see, Biden goes to the WRONG church.


Any church that requires the consent of the public to be ruled is by definition the wrong church.

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