Breakfast: the most important meal of the day. Or is it?

Thought: reverse-engineer an insulin pump, kickstarter an intravenous caffeine dosing device.


Or just do meth, like a normal person.


My favorite foods are breakfast foods. I love love love pancakes, french toast, omelettes, fried eggs, grits, hash browns, bacon, sausage, biscuits and gravy, bagels and lox. Is this a Southern thing? I usually eat a couple of boiled eggs and instant oatmeal on the weekday, but on the weekends I like to cook up a real breakfast if I can possibly fit it in. Usually I don’t eat again until dinner.

Oh yeah, and coffee…fresh brewed coffee…and orange juice.


Well, since I’m in southern CA, and I agree 100% with your views on breakfast, does that reinforce the “Southern thing” hypothesis? :smile:

PS: what is your stance on waffles?

Waffles are my daughter’s favorite so they are defintely on the menu. I still haven’t found a truly great recipe if you care to share; I usually use a mix.

Now doughnuts to me are not really a breakfast food, more of a snack, but blintzes are soooo good.

Southern CA - sure! You’re Southern!

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My go-to waffle recipe lately has been this one:
It’s vegan, and super easy to make. Oh, and delicious, of course!

I challenge this easy admission to the status of southern-ness :wink:

My proposed alternate test: Do you have the true knowledge of grits?

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After seeing the actual recipe for waffles, I switched to waffled French toast. As someone once said, the reason your food doesn’t taste like mother used to make is butter. It’s always butter.

(Of course, they weren’t talking about my mother, who wouldn’t let us have Nutella and butter together on bread).

Good article, but the study was not done by researchers at The University of Alabama, they were actually at The University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB). Despite the name it is its own completely separate institution, sharing a Board of Trustees with UA and UAH who would like nothing more than to turn it into a glorified community college with a medical school. It needs all the credit it can get, so it’s particularly important to give it where it’s due.

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