'Breaking Bad,' Season 5, Episode 15, 'Granite State': review

But at the time they bought the car wash, Walt and Skyler (who controls the VCR) were on the outs. Walt is a fan of less information to erase in the first place.

He’s also a fan of looking normal and convincing Skylar that all is well. How is he going to explain to her the reason he disabled the security cameras?

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Crystal-Crossed Lovers:

What is that shiny cylindrical object aimed conspicuously at the register?


Security tapes aren’t stored indefinitely, they are re-used. If you had a break-in or other incident you’d set aside the tape as evidence but otherwise it would get taped over. So chances are slim the tape with Lydia on it is still there.

Not really. Cameras haven’t used “tape” for years. Those cameras record to HDDs and can archive for weeks.

Source: I used to install & configure them.

Regardless …it doesn’t matter whether Lydia is archived or not. It only matters that it be possible or for Lydia to believe it is possible. If that doesn’t jibe with your theory…too bad.

If she’s going after Skyler then I fear for those waitresses at the diners where she met with the Nazi gang or Walter.

Did she ever have a confrontation with a server who knew she was a meth kingpin like she did with Skyler.

So your saying Lydia and you know Walt uses a fake camera. You can’t know whether the camera is real or fake. I’ve installed fake cameras but the one pointed at the register was ALWAYS real.

Regardless …it doesn’t matter whether Lydia is archived or not. For Lydia to be worried it only matters that it be possible or for Lydia to believe it is possible. If that doesn’t jibe with your theory…too bad.

Who is it too bad for again?

Too bad for the theory that Lydia only needs to worry about Skyler’s description from memory and anyone who subscribes to that theory. There is a distinct possibility that Skyler could have video archives of Lydia’s visit stored on a remote archive. Who knows? There could even be records or footage of Lydia’s tags.

I don’t know why so many are unable to conceive a business having security cameras. You would be hard pressed to find a business in my town that doesn’t have at least a camera aimed at the register. Cameras are now cheap and ubiquitous. A cheap security system can record from multiple cameras to a HDD or to a remote archive possibly located on the cloud. This talk of VCRs and tapes makes me think some of you are technologically stuck in 1993.

P.s. look at the top of my post where it says “in reply to”:wink: to see who I am replying to.

I’m going to need more Stevia.

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Dressed in a tailored business suit and wearing heels, she’s probably going to stand out in a meth ring investigator’s mind. I’m with algomeysa2… IF Hank was around, he’d remember that lady with the mismatched shoes from Madrigal.

it’s too bad for this thread - it’s totally gone off the rails


Charlie Rose has that effect on me, too.

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I think it’s sweet that Todd drinks tea now. He wanted her to notice.

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This wins the internet.

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Also, the worst news for me in this review was that Mad Men will get the same final “season split” treatment that BB did. As mentioned it makes for smaller arcs, and less deeper, character-driven stories. But mostly it makes for the WAITING and WANTING and cursing those money-hungry AMC bastards. Shaving. Head. Now.

looking at the chessboard - the white king is trapped in the corner. There are a couple of white pawns and a knight nearby -not much left for white. The castling may have just happened, a move or 2 ago. A number of conditions need to exist for castling to happen. There must be empty spaces between the king and rook (for kingside castling) and neither can have moved before. Also the king cannot have been in check previously.

The series itself really is one big chess game.