Brexit and Brexit Accessories

Brits aren’t quite desperate enough to eat refugees… so no…

Not yet, anyhow… /s




They’re still at it. Honestly, while I realise that most musicians were very much against Brexit I’m beginning to find it a bit grating that they expect to have access to all 27 countries at once and to keep their place as a European touring hub for international acts if all they can offer our musicians in return is access to one country and one that traditionally doesn’t care much for acts from non-English speaking countries.


So petty


Looks like the sunlit uplands are on the other side of the channel


Look, when we said Brexit would boost the economy and provide more jobs, we never specified that it would help the UK Economy or that the extra jobs would be in the UK.

Let’s have an end to this doomsterism and gloomsterism. If Johnny Foreigner has more jobs, then he (or she, thank you, Carrie) can buy more of our fantastic array of Great British exports as soon as we’ve worked out how to get them across the Channel.


Not to mention Johnny Foreigner won’t want to take your job in Britain if your British job is where he lives! So you won’t have to hear foreign being spoken on the streets anymore!


A couple of apt metaphors i heard today - the US and the UK were in a race to discover new bottoms to the barrel and the US chickened out of that race OR it’s like Thelma bailed out of the car before driving off the cliff. And so on.

To all leave voters:
Lost your business? You voted for this.
Worried about the increasing prices? You voted for this.
Concerned that the union will very likely break up? You voted for this.

It’s not such remoaner project fear now, is it?


not directly written in the article, but it comes through in the quotes is they don’t plan to close the uk companies.

they’re opening new businesses in the eu to which they will “sell” their products enmass, and then those companies will sell the individual items to the eu customers - so that they aren’t nickel and dimed ( yikes. what’s y’all’s currency again? ) by vat taxes

of course that means the uk companies will show less profit, pay less tax, and that probably increases calls for austerity ( which it seems like was one of the goals of brexit. just like tax cuts are here in the states: pressure to shrink government oversight and privatize government functions )


That’s right, they’re basically distribution centres. Which means someone (over there) has to physically move whatever is being exported around within some kind of warehouse space, repackage it, label it, ship it, etc.

So that’s reducing UK profits while increasing non-UK jobs and property rentals.

I don’t think ‘austerity’ was one of the goals of Brexit, certainly not now we have ‘fun Boris’ in charge but deregulation and lower taxes have been the Tory party’s go to moves for years.

In no way whatsoever influenced by vast sums of money, propaganda and nice perks thrown at them by corporations and US billionaire funded think-tanks of course.


Wasn’t this in a BNP manifesto just a few years ago?


Their version went a bit further, and applied to everyone born outside the UK, rather than just people without visas, but the substance was remarkably similar.

Of course, the BNP version also came with the added subtext of not accepting their generous offer quickly becoming a very bad idea very quickly.


Erasmus: Westminster saw exchange scheme as ‘too European’


The fantasy was that Brexit would make England a better team (Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland never seem to get mentioned), the reality seems to be heading towards some hoof-ball specialist from Elgin City FC being sold to a big team for £2 million because they can’t get anyone better.

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That poster is so fucking Scarfolk it hurts. Jesus.


As a German, i.e. someone from a federal country, it blows my mind how the UK government sees the devolved administrations as enemies to be kept down. The federal government in Germany is definitely not always happy with the decision the state parliaments and governments take but I can never imagine them talking about them in such terms. But then again everything in UK politics is antagonistic in a way that is completely alien to me and that seems incredibly counterproductive.

ETA: In a way it reminds me a bit of the Klingon empire: how can they get anything done when there is constant internal fighting, challenges and backstabbing (literally, in the case of the Klingons)?


Would they give a fringe, extremist, republican that big platform I wonder? The PSNI’s lack of concern about loyalist violence would not be shared by most people.

BBC doesn’t quote what they wrote which is a threat to hang him.

Hilariously of course Varadkar is leader of the party most supportive of unionists in Ireland. But Brexit supporting newspapers constant lies do have consequences.