Brexit wins: Britain votes to exit the European Union

As far as tech jobs go, the place where the most jobs are in Germany is Munich. Also very friendly to English speaking expats, with lots of Americans, Canadians, Irish, and even Britons.

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Look on the bright side, house prices in London are about to become a lot more affordable



Recessions happen, just part of the the business cycle. Least now they have the freedom to be their own country not part of some behemoth that is only interested in maintaining the status quo.

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Well, Spain didn’t waste any time jumping on the opportunity to get Gibraltar back.


I’m not sure if it’s possible to define something like “most jobs” for Germany. The country was never centralized like France with Paris or England (not sure if true for the UK on the whole) and London. Good starting points are generally the metropolitan areas around the few million+ cities here.


Whatever will we do now.

Most credit cards will handle currency conversion, but Amazon will also happily bill you in your credit card’s native currency and convert it themselves internally. You can take the best rate at the time by telling Amazon to bill you either in your card’s currency if their rate is better or in GBP if your card’s rate is better (billing in GBP would get your card provider to do the conversion).

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Welp. Good luck with that, you smug bastards. :wink:

I don’t see this as the demise of either the UK or the EU, but I don’t think it is going to work out the way they think it will.

How do I invest in the pound now? I doubt this dip is permanent. Is this how people get rich?

ETA - Europe’s natural state is warfare and constant fighting with their neighbors. So really this is to be expected.

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The predictable result of a steadily declining birth rate, all over the developed world.

But then, I’ve been told here and many other places that a declining birth rate is a Very Good Thing for Mother Gaia, 'n the polar bears, 'n stuff.

Unanticipated consequences - it’s the law!!


They’re actually pretty blameless in that case. We have laws about what you can broadcast (eg, zero influence) while the polls are still open.

I mean, ideally, they could have brought it forward to Sunday night. But moving it out of its regular slot had to be done.

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In or Out, it was still Neo-liberal Bullshit. It’s time to start the real independence movement. Leave the UK!

Or is that a step too far for you?

I feel no connection with the country I was born and brought up in anymore. I would get that back with an independent Oxford (Possibly as part of an independent London city state).


This. The EU sucks donkey balls, but the people isn’t exactly more farsighted. Talking about social issues with my family is like coming home to the village and everyone is standing on the porch blowing a dog whistle, scratching their head about why I don’t heel.

Well, maybe we could have avoided this if not dismantling social security and increasing the pressure on low income classes for two to three decades. Britain was a pioneer in that area, now they are the first to get the cheque.


Nope. Not bitchy, unless definition of “bitchy” is now “somebody with a strong opinion who expresses it articulately.”


Nicola Sturgeon says second Scottish independence vote ‘highly likely’

RIP UK, 1707-2016.


Are you saying, “History Repeats Itself”, again?

[note sarcasm]


The City kind of, sort of, not really already has that going for it. Honestly in today’s global economy, any hope for syndicalist cantonization may have gone out the window. Tiny entities have no leverage and end up having to go along to get along. You just end up with small scale technocratic guilds controlling everything out of expediency. You would need everyone else to be doing the same thing to make it work.

But what’s a few hundred billion in pensioner funds, amirite? I mean, they’re pensioners!


I just know that the evolution of bureaucracies and large centralized agencies become eventual behemoths and if left unchecked devour everything in their paths. Conform or else is the message. Diversity to the point of assimilation. It’s so funny to me they talk about doing so much good in the end just about the accumulation of wealth and power like everything else. Reminds me of mega churches all shine no substance.

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Outside of this BBS and other watchers of John Oliver, I have literally never heard anyone equate Brexit with racism. Most people (from my firsthand experience) view Brexit as strictly an issue of consolidation or diffusion of power. So good news for you, I don’t think this is going to bolster the voting bloc of bigots, since most people don’t seem to associate Brexit with bigotry.


You are absolutely correct. The Last Week tonight segment on the Canadian election was in the same vein. The only difference is that it wasn’t delayed here.