Brexit wins: Britain votes to exit the European Union

Given the number of fleeing Loyalists, fleeing slaves, fleeing draft-dodgers, etc. that we’ve taken in from the States in the past, why not let in one more wave of people fleeing from horror?


I just know […]

How do you you know that? A bad bureaucracy is like a bad anything in being bad, but that doesn’t mean that all things are bad because they might become bad.

Like it or not, you can’t manage seven billion people — heck, not even seven hundred — without bureaucracies of some kind. If you like your internet access devices cheap, you need bureaucrats to help make the components cheap by practicing their dark, bureaumantic arts to make trade agreements that work for all parties. If you want your water safe to drink, your food not to poison you, your roads and bridges and tunnels safe to drive on or over or through, you need a functioning bureaucracy to help keep them that way. When the bureaucracy malfunctions, the solution is not to destroy the bureacracy, but to fix it.

The world will not be better for you when the Randian supermen take over and start telling everyone their version of the right things to do if you’re not one of the Randian supermen. Like me, you’re going to be one of the peasants trying to avoid attracting their attention.


Well. I guess the International Economics class I’m taking soon will have a lot of extra material to explore. :confused:


Maybe they should have voted, and not just expected things to turn out in their favor. Ahh the folly of youth!

I view economics in a more organic way than you. A surfer no more controls the wave than a banker can control the economy. A mountaineer doesn’t hew down a mountain to climb it. Those who operate in the market place are good at presenting the illusion of control, mostly hype and drama The people have the power. You misunderstand the leader/follower dynamic for whatever reasons.

Typical assumptions of one who is biased towards their own thinking. I disagree so I must be less informed because obviously your thoughts and ‘facts’ are the bestest in the westest.

Here’s a practical fact for you, just because someone doesn’t share your values and ideas that doesn’t make them morons or racist. The odds that you know more than me or anyone else for that matter not likely given majority are of average intelligence, Maybe you think given enough data, statistics, information, and genetic manipulation you could create a vertible utopia, and all the evil bankers could be eradicated. Who knows? You don’t know what is going to happen any more than all those other ‘experts’ that like to pretend that their knowledge puts them above the fray. I live for stuff like this, I love when wrenches get thrown into the machine. Dislike me for it, be condescending, I don’t care. The world is still spinning and the show is always just beginning

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There was more than one leave campaign, although Vote Leave was the official one. No2EU is one group who are vocally anti-racist

It was Leave.EU/Ukip who ran the racist anti-immigration campaigns.

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Of course it is all about balance. Moderation in all things, including moderation.

I watched a BBC special where the PM and Nigel Farage both took a Q&A for an hour.

The person who seemed most concerned with immigration, and whose tone tinged most as racist, was from someone of apparent Indian decent (though born in the UK). He literally used the term “no go zone” in referring to the neighborhood he was born in.

I think racism played a part, but also they just wanted less immigrants in general, or the ability to control the flux. I know that you can’t get an accurate of sampling from opinions and questions at a Q&A like this, but they had several minority questioners grilling the PM with concerns such as the drain on the NHS by those not paying in.

I am a little confused by it all, because I can understand the EU allowing free movement of member state citizens, (e.g. Poland, Spain, etc), but how did allow/control people from non-EU countries?

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Well, don’t forget the power of wishful thinking when it comes to economics; while xenophobia appeals were indeed strongly present in the Brexit campaign, another major factor were appeals to economic sovereignty, which, while they didn’t actually make sense when analyzed, appealed to personal biases at first blush and thus weren’t more deeply analyzed by those they appealed to.


I guess you don’t follow Billy Bragg on twitter then?


The ESA is not part of the European Union.


The full video for those interested:


Against stupidity the gods themselves struggle in vain.
The Balkanization of the entire world proceeds.


Is it fun being stupid? Does it make you happy to realize your IQ is lower than your blood pressure?


Injecting a little levity from a friend of mine:


Admission to the German labour market

If you have a recognized foreign university degree it’s easier to get a residence permit for employment.

Um. Maybe have a peek at this…

Indyref2 is now pretty much a certainty



I’m really not in the mood for levity right now.


I understand. I probably wouldn’t be so sanguine in the wake of a Trump victory myself. You have my sympathies.


There’s something useful about the status quo: it isn’t the eighties and the chaos that raged then.

I guess you haven’t any idea how bad things were before the EU was formed.