Brexit wins: Britain votes to exit the European Union

Well, if nothing else, we Americans can now look forward to at least a brief respite from constantly hearing brits pontificate on the stupidity of US politics (not that it isn’t … just that we’re not alone.)


So, you’re comparing the Brexit to a massacre of the Diggers in 1649? I’m not sure that’s apt.

[ETA] Or maybe it’s perfectly apt? I’m not sure I know anymore…

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more like twenty minutes of affection with half a cabbage.


So, nothing wrong with Brexiters, they just think that multiculturalism, social liberalism, feminism, environmentalism, globalisation, the internet and immigration are overwhelmingly a force for ill.


Look at it like this; after a few months of Trump Lite (Boris Johnson) as PM in London, you’re going to know what a Trump presidency would be like. So we may have saved you from that.

You’re going to need a wheelbarrow full of money to buy half a cabbage. Meanwhile, I expect our ladies of NA to be looking for marital vacancies on ВКонтакте.


Not every Leave voter is a racist, but every racist will vote Leave.

Indeed. The U.S. version that I’ve often heard: “Not every republican is a racist, but all racists are republican.”


I just read this, and it made smile/sad…


Oy. That is some thick, dark, blackety blackblack humour…


…So british.


I’d edit that to “Not every Republican is an overt racist, but all overt racists are Republicans”.

Just because I’ve bumped into plenty of Dems that have unconscious racist attitudes.


Right, thanks. I was thinking more or less the same thing as I typed that.

Better the devil you know, than a devil who doesn’t realize she is a devil?


… just realized demographic change kind of dictates we’re going to get a lot more of that in the future


I don’t think you’re a racist or a moron. I do think you’re an idealist and that your arguments are predominantly ideological. For what it’s worth I agree with your ideological positions, I like freedom and I’m familiar with the inevitable buildup of inefficiencies in any evolving system of interdependencies.

But the problem with ideological arguments is that they miss a lot of nuance and it’s difficult to know how to apply them without heavy reference to the facts of a situation. For example bureaucratic overload is a thing, but Brexit was not a choice of bureaucracy or not, it was a choice between different bureaucratic configurations so the ideological standpoint that “bureaucracy is generally bad” doesn’t tell you anything much without knowing more about the bureaucracies in question. Given a cursory review of the recent history of British governance, it turns out that it has done a pretty crap job for a lot of people. That’s why I’d like to see you move away from purely ideological arguments, towards more specific ones.

I’m saying that just because you don’t know what the EU does, doesn’t mean it does nothing. There are a lot of news sources that will run this line though, which is why I thought that might be your problem.

You’re probably right. I’d like to say something in defense of my adoptive country but my impression is that you’d likely be better off in Germany.

My bad. I guess I’d still point to it as an example of the benefits of European cooperation, or something. And my friend is still looking at the laughable prospect of being an unemployable rocket scientist. The joke is that there are a lot of rocket components and concepts that she only knows the French names for. I’m meeting up with her and some other British passport holders shortly to get drunk.

Old people should be shot at birth.


What’s that saying? That no one thinks that they are the villain of the story, and that we are all heroes in our own minds?


Link to more details about that poll: very interesting bits in analysis.


Which, like all stereotypes, has some ring of truth but is inherently false. Perpetuating the “our shit don’t stink” or perhaps “only your shit stinks” attitudes just results in hypocrisy and pockets and ignoring the bad things within your “side”. I know plenty of racist Democrats. Less the “burning crosses and writing graffiti” kind, and more the ones who feel themselves genuinely superior to others (though many have pity on those unfortunates), and those who harbor less harmful racist views, like blacks are good at sports, Asians are good at math, etc.

My favorite example was my old bosses who would say things like, “I like Chicago, because unlike Kansas City, you can walk around a few blocks and experience all sorts of different cultures.” And then get upset that your kids Lego set came with a police man, vs a police person. And then move to LITERALLY the whitest suburb of the Metro area. I guess they can visit the cultural parts on the weekend, just as long as they aren’t in your stores and pools…

Additionally, broadly labeling whole groups just leads to further distance between the two, decreasing any hope for the cross pollination of ideas, compromise, or at the very least understanding.

This should be queued up at the important part, but if not its at 4:53


I believe that to be truly accurate in this case.

Gonna be a looooooong 5 days.


Yep. But when I get death threats–complete with my home address–from Republicans for the crime of being born, and just vague “Oh, Jews are good at money, how can you be poor?” attitudes from Democrats… well, I know who the relative villains are from my own perspective.