Brianna Wu explains why #gamergate death-threats won't scare her into backing down

That’s pretty much the number one complaint I hear from women who are FPS fans.

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Well, they probably did express an opinion, just not in words, the way they dressed, for instance.

Perhaps they played games in a provocative manner…

Makes one think that perhaps there might be something to this whole “untapped market” thing, eh?

{waits patiently for drive-by sockpuppet to again scream that addressing this market potential would be the END, I tells ya, the END of video games…}


good god that’s a lot of effort for a really boring troll. Brevity is the soul of wit, dude.


Oops! I didn’t scroll down far enough to see this before hitting reply. Please don’t eat me!

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You’re safe.

No no no, you don’t understand. You actually want straight white guys who like titties to be censored and lose their jobs and (probably) be thrown in jail. Know your role! This is no time to have a reasonable position! FALSE FLAG! FALSE FLAG!


As long as you don’t say “straw man” we’ll be okay. I swear, that term have been co-opted to mean, “Don’t listen to what I’m saying.”



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