Brianna Wu pwns a misogynist troll

Nope, it’s borked AFAICT - if I unlike a post, my avatar doesn’t show up.

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As borked as the delegates system for democratic candidates

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I don’t think Trump ignores the consequences of being considered an arsehole; he just calculates there’s more mileage in it.


Well, nice to see where everyone’s mind is at. So, the thread’s run it’s course then? Is that what I should gather? Should I even bother reading back through the prior posts, or did it just turn into the typical shit show with Falcore having to chomp some trolls and then the discussion shifting to things completely unrelated to the original post?


It was reasonably sane this go around so feel free to read it if you like. I think the crowd that should not be named finally learned they get banned hard here… or we have dropped off their radar.


Probably some is, but it’s so hard to tell what’s deliberate manipulation and what’s simple obnoxiousness with Trump.

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He’s a total enigma in that regard… The crap he comes out with is so goddamn stupid, but then so is half the electorate - in hindsight he’s an artist par excellence.


Watch gameplay videos. It fares much better in motion.

No, it doesn’t. I hate gamergate, but this game does look aesthetically horrible

@Spacekatgal Bottom line: YOU DO NOT KNOW WHAT THE FUCK YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT. <3 <3 <3
10:33 AM - 12 Feb 2016”

We should all remember to tell each other that more often.

Trump is the social equivalent of a black hole?

(in that all discussion is inevitably drawn toward him until it reaches a singularity of unbelievable density)

Give the people what they want.

Many of those people have been well trained (and poorly educated) for years…

So why don’t we all start ignoring the asshole and get on with things?


Hey buddy, get your subjective shit out of here.

If you don’t think Phil Fish or Marcus Person ever got a couple tweets because they made games they looked like they could have been ran on an Atari, please do a little research.
The difference is that when they got criticism, white knights like Cory weren’t running around saying they were the victims of institutional misandry, or even xenophobia (considering they are both non-Americans).

You can’t just claim that everything plays into this bigger picture issue without any evidence of the bigger picture issue.
This is worse than the red scare.

Hey buddy!

Are you saying this wasn’t misogynistic at all?
Good luck with that buddy.



Those of us who might rather ignore him aren’t quite free to pretend he doesn’t exist because of his significant following and influence.

We can avoid giving free press though…


Hey guy, get your shit understanding of history out of here.

A “couple” tweets? Let me repeat something I already wrote to you: Context and nuance are a thing. Are you aware of who B. Wu is? Does she get “a couple tweets” about [anything] she [did/does/will do] that are actual critiques, or are they just gg’er trollies doing the “nyah nyah” bullshit sniping? In fact, let’s try it with your reply to me:

Reply 1: HAHAHA Fucking moron douchebag. Grammar is your friend, dipshit.
Reply 2: Please feel free to dig up your own research to compare/contrast the critiques received by your strawmen relative to B. Wu. I’ll wait.

See how that works?

As for this nonsense:

Yeah, women have a long history of being treated equally by men the world 'round. I can claim whatever I want, but I know not to claim it in the utter absence of facts. But do tell me more about the “red scare” and how it compares.



Oh man the reason for banning is “being uncool” and I laughed and laughed! :slight_smile: