Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2024/06/14/bring-your-kid-to-work-day-fbi-seeks-man-who-robbed-a-bank-while-holding-a-child.html
He’s getting an ass whooping from grandma.
Are we sure that’s not three kids in a trenchcoat?
I wonder if the child is stolen too. Either way, I hope his using a kid as a human shield is taken into consideration during his trial.
Thought I might have recognized that kid…
Well that does fit the age of the adult in this withdrawal incident…
Ablative baby armor.
What, you want him to just leave the kid in the car?
You can get in serious trouble for that.
It’s hard to entirely rule things out when you have no reason to suspect someone is acting entirely rationally(or is sufficiently desperate that very short term optimizations count as ‘rational’); but stealing a young-ish child seems like adding a lot of complexity and visibility to the plan, as well as some easy additional charges, for limited benefit.
Kid is definitely old enough to throw a very suspicious fit at being carried around by an unauthorized party if not carefully mollified somehow; in addition to being an inconvenient burden if you need to make haste; and only helps you if you are dealing with cops who fall into specific band of being willing to use lethal force against a fleeing property criminal, rather than IDing them and picking them up at a more advantageous time; but squeamish about collateral damage and not confident in their ability to avoid it.
Probably a group of nonzero size; but not large enough to make the extra hassle and significant additional charges seem terribly compelling.
Reminds me of the Damon Runyon story and 1942 movie, “Butch Minds The Baby”. Safecracker’s day to care for baby has to break into safe without waking baby.
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