British Prime Minister "scrapes mould off jam and eats what's underneath"

This is performance art now. She’s not really doing this, but it sounds good to the masses, a way of these idiots acting like a plucky spirit in the face of adversity is all that’s needed. There is a push among the Brexiters to rebrand this whole thing as “another blitz” and tell folks to chin up, put your boots on, scrape the mold off your preserves, dig a shelter in the back yard, etc, etc. And they are trying to paint the EU as the enemy that’s causing all this misery, not the idiot home politicians who convinced folks to vote for this folly by promising it was going to be easy as pie, and now can’t figure out how to do it without causing massive pain and suffering.

Theresa May and the UK: not only a terrible band name, but the worst negotiators since someone named Trump tried to shut down his government to get a deal on a wall and ended up with LESS than he was offered a year ago.