Browser extension plays clown music when you load Rob Ford stories

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Oh man, that’s fucking gold.

Not that I’m in any hurry to install the plugin, it’s enough that it exists : )

This could be a benchmark in future; if you’re in danger of incurring the authorship of similar browser plugins, you risk crossing the Rob Ford Threshold.


I always hear Rob Ford articles as having Yakkity Sax in the background.

I always thought that was John Philips Sousa.

Wow, that’s some fast rehab there Mayor! Took me decades to sort my crack out, as it were.

I was particularly impressed with his brother’s description of the protester approaching him on Canada day as being a racist… And his explanation that “racism isn’t about race”. Oh you wacky Fords!

I like that the accepted way to protest his events now is shirtless. So far I think it’s only been guys, but I’m looking forward to him saying something really dumb when a woman protests topless near him.

I’ve got the FoxReplace text substitution extension set up to replace “Rob Ford” with “The Laughable Bumblefuck.” It makes for fun reading.

BTW, I also replace “Justin Bieber” with “The Little Twit.”

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