Buckaroo Banzai

“Because I’m busy”
“Because you’re perfect”

“Because it might be boobie trapped”

I’m sorry… did you imply there was something wrong with Robocop?

where’re we going today, doc? the moon?

Exactly! I caught those 3 and have wondered if there are more – but I never really settle down and listen for more.

Not only is he a neurosurgeon and the leader of a crime-fighting rock band, he is also a nuclear physicist.

I’m pretty sure those are the only occurrences, and three, well that’s just the right amount.

There’s only two kinds of people in this world.

In the closing credits it’s called the Jet Car, manufactured by Thrust Racing.

touché. I seem to be remembering it wrong. but i was right about the “jet” part, so I guess I’m only half dumb. consulting the files on the DVD reveal that I was full of derp on that post, since it was a Ford F-350 (1982), not a 150 as I said.

gettin’ old…

Yes, but consider the alternative.

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So what. Big deal.


If you can find the book get it. It’s great too.

I can’t miss an opportunity to comment about what is perhaps my favorite film.

When I saw Wes Anderson’s “The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou”, I was coming unglued with nerdglee at the closing sequence. My wife still doesn’t quite understand why.

And that’s still a melody I find myself whistling from time to time. If they’d only do a BluRay transfer.

And no, I can’t accept the theory that Big Trouble in Little China started out as the Buckaroo Banzai against the World Crime League script.

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Many years ago, I was luckly enough to see this at a film festival (Boston SFF; a 24 hour marathon of s/f that still runs today) with the director in attendance, W.D. Richter. He talked a bit about the making of - there was conflict with the producers who kept asking -why- certain things needed to be in the film. So, they responded by adding -more- absurd elements - e.g., the scene with the watermelon; BB’s red glasses.

So now you know why that watermelon was there


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