Burger King tweeting through it after telling women they belong in the kitchen

This is how we got Trump for president…


All Karens welcome!

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Except that many women in that thread are saying that misogyny as bait isn’t particularly cool.

And the original tweet now has 130,000 retweets and is making the rounds with right wing extremists, while the follow up has 13,000 retweets.


Tell me though: is it usual for a King to allow people to have it their way? Isn’t that question what the whole American Revolution was all about?


Yay! I vote we all gather in your kitchen, which frankly sounds like it might be in a tiny house.

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Sorry, this argument doesn’t do much for me. For one, I can’t believe that you’d offer those as examples of people “not feeding the troll”. Were no trolls fed since 2015??? :face_with_raised_eyebrow: Really? No trolls were fed in those cases? In fact I believe that Don and Joanna both had their points of view elevated precisely through outrage. When Don was removed from Twitter, there too went his ability to manipulate the news through generating outrage. Does that mean their beliefs are not repugnant or otherwise not deserving of scorn? No it does not mean that. But come on now with the claim that Don got the job because no one tried to counter his awfulness. That argument can go in the basket of deplorables. (I cannot fucking wait until “This is how we got X” dies completely as something people say on the internet.)

I don’t know how many of these viral faux-controversy marketing attempts I’m going to have to live through until people wise up to it. Outrage marketing is a concrete strategy that people in boardrooms consciously choose: Our Guide to Mastering Outrage Marketing - Retro Digital

As long as there are people writing up articles about the outrageous thing Corporation X said or did, no matter how truly stupid and inconsequential, there will be incentive for corporations to use outrage marketing.

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Not so obvious, a very clumsy attempt. They needed to put the explanation in the same tweet. Instead they essentially trolled people.

If they’d said:

"Women belong in the kitchen.

If they want to, of course. Yet only 20% of chefs are women. We’re on a mission to change the gender ratio in the restaurant industry by empowering female employees with the opportunity to pursue a culinary career."

It probably would have gone ok.


The one thing everyone knows about twitter is that it is 140/280 characters. Your idea has to fit there. Sequential tweets are fine, but set the context up first.

Watch this:

Option 1: Did you know that 90% of kitchen employees are male? #womeninthekitchen
Option 2: At burger king, we believe that women also belong in the kitchen #resturantequality
Option 3: Burger king is addressing gender inequality in the restaurant industry, because we believe women belong in the kitchen.

These would have offended nobody. Which is why they didn’t do it. The point, they were trying to antagonize people to get free PR by repeating sexist tropes without any context or indication of irony.

Its like those T-shirts that say “I believe women belong in the house… and the senate” – great, I love those. But it’s not OK to leave the last part off and then just explain “That’s what I really meant” when people ask you about why you have such an offensive tshirt.


“While Burger King UK at least strategically favors women’s rights and agency…” inasmuch as any rapacious corporation can “favour” anything that doesn’t directly transfer money to its shareholders, then maybe.
I’m not really buying it though.

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“this thing you people hate is your own fault” is itself a troll meme

now we are feeding it by arguing about it



[quote=“jhutch2000, post:2, topic:193360”]
Burger King. The only fast food chain that could come up with a mascot even more disturbing and terrifying that the combination of a yellow-clad clown and a talking purple Buttplug


And how much of this “sassy fastfood twitter” account thing is trying to emulate the viral success Wendy’s had with theirs?


Basically Brands™ have become just as irony-poisoned as the rest of us and haven’t figured out that it’s a Bad Look yet.


Whatever, grimace rocks.

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I had one of those (a Fiat 127). You always knew that if you hit a sheep, the sheep would be the one to walk away. I don’t know at whom that ad was aimed, the target clientele for the car was not rakish rogues. Come to think of it, the target might have had significant overlap with the same sad sacks who end up eating at BK.

Yes, he does.



They have deleted the tweet, but it’s already done its damage. And yes, absolutely call out the fuckers when they pull stunts like this. Shutting the fuck up about it serves ZERO purpose in teaching these dumb ass corporate hacks why the FUCK they need to wise up and join the rest of us in the 21st century. Silence is permission. And that first tweet, however well intentioned BK was with this program, was a complete cluster fuck of bad understanding of how social media works and PR fail in every possible way. Their response to the criticism - essentially saying “but that’s not what we meant and you’re wrong to complain” - only served to make it worse.


Yeah - not surprised. Long-form twitter is apparently an ok publishing thing - where you use up your 280 chars and continue in the next tweet and the next and the next. But 5 words and then the context is in the next tweet, was always a hostage to fortune. At the very least they might have tweeted “Women belong in the kitchen…” signalling with the “…” that there was more to come.

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Ah yes, the classic assumption that if an advised tactic doesn’t seem to be working, it can only be because people aren’t doing it enough. Here’s the thing though. If your advice of not feeding trollies fails if literally anybody pays them any attention at all, it doesn’t matter if it would work because it’s not possible to make happen, and we should be finding a better way to actually deal with them.