Buried in the TOS: free Starbucks refills

Seems some people are confusing “coffee”, which can be ordered black (with your choice of as little or as much sugar, “raw” sugar, milk, cream, skim, cinnamon, chocolate powder) and those half-meal dessert coffees Starbucks also has available.

Me, I like an Americano. Seems to bring out less of that “burnt” flavour Starbucks is known for.


There’s the one with Matt Damon and the martian base.


Yeah as an actual barista I can say many of your Starbucks are violating company policy on refills. It is iced/hot coffee/tea/cold brew as long as you remain in store. You cannot leave to go about your day and expect a free coffee when you want an afternoon fix. It is not policy and you are asking your barista to violate policy.
How do you enjoy having entitled people asking you to do something you’re not supposed to at your work? Don’t do it to us.


Thank you for your service.


Considering how the dc ones would shoo out homeless I wonder how this works legally. Can you offer free refills then set a cap on how long one can be in the store?

(Similarly McDonald’s, which had a video go viral of a homeless man who someone bought a meal being asked to leave - van it be argued he was falsely advertised free refills?)

My uni had a lunch only meal plan + booths with power and WiFi and some days I’d eat lunch, study then eat dinner later.


What is that? Kinda like a Wawa?


What’s a Wawa?

Like Sheetz, but worse! :slightly_smiling_face:


Sure. It’s not tenancy. They can ask people to leave even if they haven’t finished their drink yet, if a particular customer is, for one instance, being an asshole in some way.

But they shouldn’t hassle people only because they’re poor, of course. It might be legal, but they’d be the jerks in that situation.


Speaking of Americano, I only drink caffeinated coffee in the morning, so if I wind up going out for coffee with someone in the afternoon I’ll order decaf. I learned to order a Decaf Americano, because it’s made fresh just for you, rather than sitting in a carafe. Much better!

You can order a pour over decaf too, for that fresh cup.

When I order a decaf late, they always apologize for the wait because they have to do a pour over. But, I prefer it anyway, no need for them to apologize.

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I used to use the app, because you’d get a free drink every so often. But then I realized the app was stealing my money. Once I put $30 on the app only for it to show my balance as $28 and change (and I was not at zero when I loaded it). Another time I had $7-something showing on the app, bought my $4.50 latte, and was told I still owed $2 because the app was telling the scanner I only had $2.50.

Maybe it’s a glitch, but the cynic in me says they’re paying for the “free” drinks by Office-Spacing pennies out of my account every so often.


I don’t see anywhere what the free drinks are. I’m pretty sure we’re just talking about coffee, correct?

And this Battlestar Galactica you are talking about, what’s that again? Isn’t it something like a Star Wars spin-off?


Yes but “being an asshole” usually deconstructs to a specific behavior.

If someone is quietly drinking coffee and the store is within it’s posted hours I’d argue it’s false advertising to offer free refills then boot people for being present done arbitrary designation of “too long”

And don’t get me started on buffets :wink:

Talk about buried in TOS



Spun off, flamed out, augered in. Nice while it lasted though. The newer one, I mean.

Still laughing.

You want PTSD with that?

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I wandered into a Starbucks once.
Dunkin’s is better.
May be an East Coast thing

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It was common when I lived in a large east coast city for people to get a starbucks getting on the metro then again getting off. (They were everywhere)

If no one tells you it’s out of policy, how could they know?

(I agree it’s not ok to pitch a fit once informed of the policy.)

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I’m not sure what you’re implying here?