Buried in the TOS: free Starbucks refills

Well at least we know it’s real, right? Cause everything on Google is real, right? RIGHT?

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Speaking of abusing Starbucks rules. I know someone who orders decaf coffee for the Barista to say they do not have any decaf brewing would they like a decaf Americano instead at the price of the regular coffee. He got quite annoyed when they started brewing him an individual pour over decaf rather than the americano .


Over the years I have found that the update of balance is frequently out of date but when I go to do the math it does work out if you go back 3-4 transactions. This does not mean there is not some nefarious Starbucks balance vampire drinking off of your rounding errors.

I also find if it does not bring up the option to tip then there is usually something messed up in syncing the account to the app. Usually a log out and back in fixes it. Sometimes it is just a mess that does not resolve.

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There has been a long line of managers at my favorite Starbucks who willingly give the refills no matter what. Just sayin’.

As in, “You want fries wi-that?” He compared, or used the same language as, someone thanking the troops for their service to someone being a barista by saying, “Thank you for your service.” And since most of the troops come home with PTSD, I tried to humorously apply his little joke to that comparison he implied with his comment. Guess it flopped. Sorry.

The downside is that you’d have to drink Starbucks…

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